
  • Essay / Texting and Driving: A Recipe for Death - 728

    We live in a society that thrives on the latest technological advances. In its usefulness, technology has helped to open many doors by advancing society's ways of doing business and communicating. However, most do not recognize the dangers hidden behind these useful gadgets. In particular, the cell phone in all its usefulness can be very dangerous in certain situations. Using cell phones to text while driving is becoming a rapidly growing killer. To begin to keep drivers and passengers safe on the road, changes to our laws and education programs are needed regarding the dangers of texting while driving. People can multitask, but distractions can be caused by trying to do too many activities simultaneously. When a person uses their cell phone while driving, they tend to ignore road signs and fail to watch the road, both situations perfect for disaster. Studies conducted by the Virginia Tech Driving Institute found that those who text while driving are 23 times more likely to get into an accident. (Naik). A comparative study of statistics on texting while driving and drunk driving published in a leading automobile magazine in the United States found that texting while driving is even more dangerous than driving while intoxicated. drunkenness. According to statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 5,870 people died in car crashes in 2008 alone. (Naïk). The same statistics reveal that 515,000 people have been injured in various car accidents in the United States. In 2008, 28 percent were caused by drivers aged 18 to 29 who admitted to texting while driving. And yet, even though 37 percent of teens rated texting while driving as middle of paper.... my life or the lives of others on the road. I pledge to never text or drive and will take steps to educate others about the dangers of texting while driving. No text is worth the risk. It can wait." (AT&T) This website also allows people to share why they made the decision to make this commitment, then post it on Twitter or Facebook for their friends to see. One of the main reasons given for getting involved is the death of a loved one. This call to action educates many people and makes them aware of the dangers that exist. Cell phones make it easier to maintain contact with friends, loved ones and loved ones. The downside is that we tend not to think about where we choose to use our cell phones. Many people resort to cell phone use while driving, a dangerous practice that is responsible for a significant number. accidents in the United States..