
  • Essay / The Seveso Catastrophe - 708

    Introduction (quote idea taken from the foreword of Poison[1])Excerpt from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson [2]“Once upon a time there was a town where all life seemed live in harmony with its surroundings... Then a strange plague spread across the region... Mysterious diseases swept away the flocks of chickens; sick cattle and sheep died. Everywhere was the shadow of death. Farmers spoke of many illnesses in their families. In the city, doctors were increasingly intrigued by new kinds of diseases... In the gutters, under the eaves and between the shingles of the roofs, a white grainy powder still showed a few spots; a few weeks before, it had fallen like snow on the roofs and lawns, fields and streams... This city does not really exist... I don't know of any community that has experienced all the misfortunes that I describe... (It's us (emphasis added) » When Rachel Carson wrote her book in 1962, readers quickly noticed that Silent Spring was a fiction novel and that the events described in the first pages of the novel were irrelevant and not actually possible. However, the events that took place in Seveso, Italy, at the Industrie Chimiche Meda Società Azionaria (ICMESA), on July 10, 1976, would prove the world wrong; a disaster of this nature can occur near any chemical plant.Events(The series of events was adapted from the Roche group [3])Between the years 1969-1970, ICMESA began production of 2 ,4,5-trichlorophenol (TCP), which is an intermediate product used at the time to create many other products. From 1970 to July 1976, TCP's production levels increased, with all delivered to Givaudan, its parent company. TCP productions took place in Building B of the facility where the accident occurred in July...... middle of paper ......alized. Little do they know that these neighboring families have been poisoned and will have to leave everything behind. References[1] Fuller, John G.. The Poison That Fell From The Sky. New York: Random House, 1977.[2] Carson, Rachel, Lois Darling and Louis Darling. Silent spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin;, 1962.[3] "Seveso-30 years later: Chronology of events Mitigating the consequences of the accident: milestones between 1976 and 2006." The Roche group. (accessed April 21, 2014).[4] Fara, general manager. "The ICMESA accident. First intervention for the protection of man and the environment." Chemistry, Man and Environment 1 (1999): 3-16.[5] Axelson, O. “Epidemiologic Evidence for Health Effects of Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) in Humans.” Chemistry, Man and Environment 1 (1999): 29-38.