
  • Essay / History of the Elderly - 2090

    COURSE: INTRODUCTION TO MALAYSIAN SOCIAL HISTORY CODE: SSF1033 LECTURER NAME: DR. ANDREW AERIATITLE: STORY OF AN ORDINARY PEOPLE (OLD PEOPLE) GROUP MEMBERS: NAME MATRIX NUMBER AMALINA BT ABDUL MANSOR 43102ZATUL ALIA BT ZAKARIA 44744NURUL SUZWANIE BT ABU SAMAH 43620ANIS BT JAHORING 40591INTRODUCTIONLife is in fact a cycle, from infant to becoming an elderly person, all humanity will have experienced the same cycle throughout their life and nothing can differentiate them, the only thing that can differentiate humanity was their life experience and the way they led their lives throughout this cycle. For our group work, we decided to study older people because, as we know, older people usually have a more exciting life experience that we can learn and learn from. The definition and age range of an elderly person was a little difficult to determine because everyone has their own definition to describe what is meant by an elderly person, but generally the standard age of a person who can be recognized as an elderly person was the one. who were 60 years old and over. Our history was mainly made up of young people who were able to make changes and if there were old people who are part of the history of the world or of certain countries, it is because they did something that was beneficial for their country. But there were rarely stories aimed at ordinary societies, especially the elderly. For some reason, those old people whose stories were hidden far behind the recognition of our societies usually have a great and wonderful story about themselves and perhaps about...... middle of paper ..... .s, J., Donaldson, T., Gillespie, F. et al., (1995). Alzheimer-like neuropathology in transgenic mice overexpressing the V717F $eta$-amyloid precursor protein. Nature Publishing Group. Lim, W., Sulaiman, N. and David, B. (2013). The Concept and Background of Social Care Facility Management Audit (SCFMA) in Nursing Home for the Elderly (RCHfE) in Malaysia.Malaysia (1977). Akta Orang Papa. 1977 (Akta 183). Malaysia (1993). Akta Pusat Jagaan. 1993 (Akta 506). World Assembly on Aging (1982). Report on the World Assembly on Aging, Vienna. Australasian Journal on Aging. 1(4), 13-14World Health Organization (2008). Age-Friendly Primary Health Care Center Toolkit, retrieved from PHC Centretoolkit.pdf