
  • Essay / Faith, the greatest power of man. - 1096

    Faith, the greatest power of man. 1¨The essence of all religions is one. Only their approaches are different.¨ (Mohandas Ghandi). Religious thought has been used in many ways, with both negative and positive influences. Religion is a set of beliefs, with different cultures celebrated by millions of people. It is used to talk about the supernatural and explain the purpose of life. There are thousands of religions in the world and new ones are being created. With Christianity and Islam having the most followers, they are the dominant religions in the world. There have been wars and countless debates about the existence of a true religion. Hinduism, the oldest religion still practiced in the world today, has had 900 million followers since 2,500 BCE. Being a polytheistic religion, Hinduism has several gods, involving Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu and the creator Brahma, who are praised for their holiness by Brahmins, priests of the religion. Religion alone includes a wide variety of beliefs, both monotheistic and polytheistic visions of the gods. The Vedas, the oldest Indian text, are one of the most important books in Hinduism, telling the god's stories of how Brahma created the universe and how everything was meant to be. In Hinduism, the most respected authorities are the Brahmins, as they are believed to be closest to the gods and have the most knowledge, since they are the priests. The belief in reincarnation and karma are present in Hinduism. Reincarnation is the idea that when a being dies, they are reborn into another being. They believe that reincarnation is used for a being to gain enough knowledge to be with the gods, through past experiences. The values ​​of Hinduism are ma...... middle of paper ...... on five pillars, which are the basic practices. The pillars consist of: 1) Confessing to Allah, claiming Him as your god. 2) Daily Prayers, designated prayer times 5 times a day. 3) Almsgiving, which consists of paying a tax to the mosque to help the poor. 4) Fast during the month of Ramadan. 5) Pilgrimage to the city of Mecca once in a person's life. The number of religions is very numerous, vast in beliefs and easily practicable. The thought of a true religion is too ignorant because of all the possibilities of truth of all other religions. There is no true religion due to the major differences between religions, scriptures and deities. Religion helps by explaining supernatural events, how life formed, etc. There are many tales, legends and prophecies, but the idea of ​​it all is through faith, to express why there is meaning in life..