
  • Essay / Postmodern Multicultural Society - 1765

    The evolution of a postmodern multicultural society places great importance on a better understanding of issues surrounding culture and ethnic identity. Anthropology has traditionally defined culture as the sum total of artifacts (language, customs, tools/technologies, institutions, etc.) that make up a human society. From a psychological perspective, it is useful to focus on the processes of symbolic communication that sanction the coherence of human societies and allow them to evolve such a variety of artifacts. It is generally accepted that humans constitute a unique cultural species. Interesting precursors to human communication, social organization, and tool use have been discovered in other species. But humans are the only species that has evolved the capacity for complex symbolic communication about the world, as well as the ability to create tools and institutions based on this complex symbolic understanding (Warmoth, 2001). According to the Meriam-Webster dictionary, "Culture is defined as the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group." India or the Republic of India is a country in Asia Southeast It is the seventh largest country by geographic area, the second most populous country with more than 1.2 billion people and the most populous democracy in the world. Its neighboring countries are Bhutan, the. Pakistan, the People's Republic of China, Nepal and Bangladesh Indians personify the country as a goddess. There are 18 major languages ​​spoken in India and more than 1,600 regional dialects. is the second common language. It is the oldest civilization in the world, but also one of the youngest nations (Wolpert, 2009). .. middle of paper ......eneurs; From astronaut to queen of television industry, Indian women have done it all. She has to play a range of roles such as housewife, wife, daughter-in-law, mother, sister, lover, daughter, friend and 'individual'. Indian society still has conservative ideals when it comes to women. Women from the lower strata of society are still considered submissive to men and face abuse (Wolpert, 2009). I would like to conclude by stating that this article is an attempt to deeply understand the core values, social norms, traditions and history of my culture; the culture of India. Researching this article enlightened me about India's war-laden past, evolving traditions, regional diversity, but also national unity and reconfirmed my own identity. Respect for one's own culture leads to acceptance and respect for other cultures'.