
  • Essay / Misdiagnosis in Children with ADHD - 1510

    Economic ChallengesChallenges due to poverty could be addressed by providing financial assistance, food and clothing. Time spent with parents is essential when dealing with children who have behavioral problems, as parents or guardians may not have the funds or time to devote to their children due to other obligations necessary to meet the needs of the family. Parents and guardians play a major role in helping children grow and develop fully. As children grow, they depend on their parents or guardians for their basic needs and support, such as food, shelter, education, protection and care. During life's difficulties and times of crisis, they depend on their family to guide them. Mental disorders in children and adolescents can be chronic and also require appropriate attention, help and support from caregivers and teachers. Parents and guardians living with children with mental disorders have additional responsibilities and roles to care for them as they do healthy children. The best way to help these families is to engage them in their own income-generating activities, such as respite services or Medicaid-accepted programs where they receive counseling from social workers or other health professionals. Pelham et al. (2007) found that using a cost of illness (COI) framework examines the economic impact of ADHD in children and adolescents and identified studies; therefore, most were conducted on existing databases using diagnosis and medical procedure codes focused on health care costs. Costs were examined for ADHD treatment and other health care, education, parental job loss, and juvenile justice costs. According to Pelham et al. (2007), this incomplete evidence base estimated that each year...... middle of article...... Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Its Diagnosis and Treatment. (September 13, 2012). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved December 14, 2012 from Pelham, W., Foster, E. and Robb, J. The economic impact of attention - Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents, volume 7, January 2007 issue, supplement, pages 121-131. doi: 10.1016/j.ambip.2006.08.002.Sherman, J., Rasmussen, C. and Baydala, L. The impact of teacher factors on the achievement and behavioral outcomes of children with attention deficit disorder/ hyperactivity (ADHD), Volume 50, April 2008 issue, pages 347-350. doi: 10.1080/00131880802499803.US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2010-2012. Retrieved from