
  • Essay / Massive Open Online Courses and Their Impact on Education

    Table of ContentsSummaryIntroductionWhat is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)?Advantages and Disadvantages of MOOCsDifference Between MOOCs and Learning Courses onlineMOOCLearning CoursesRole of MOOCs in EducationMOOCs in LIS Profession and Their BenefitsMOOCs and Free Online PlatformsConclusionSummaryMassive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are designed for unlimited participation via the web. MOOCs offer free courses with open access to anyone wishing to learn. MOOCs are offered on various platforms such as Coursera, edX, Udacity, SWAYAM, FutureLearn, Canvas Network, Khan Academy and Open Yale Courses, offering free online courses and charging a small fee for certification. MOOCs are an important area of ​​focus that encourages students' motivation to learn and has also posed challenges to the physical education system. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essayKeywords: -MOOC; Online learning; MOOC platforms; STEM; LIS ProfessionalsIntroductionThe purpose of this research paper is to provide information about MOOCs and their impact on education. Online education has continued to reshape the concept of distance learning since the early 1990s. The term MOOC stands for (Massive Open Online Courses), which refers to a specific type of online course. Globally, MOOCs are the hottest way to deliver online courses. In the field of education, MOOCs make it possible to follow the evolution of technologies, innovation and learning pedagogies. MOOCs have the strategic objective of designing and delivering the best online educational experience on campus. MOOCs also feature strong narrative videos, audio files, articles, case studies, and other media assets. What is a massive open online course (MOOC)? to which a very large number of participants from the general public can register. MOOCs are typically offered by colleges and universities as a way to open education to everyone. Anyone with an Internet connection can register for a MOOC and participate in an online course. MOOCs are typically offered by higher education institutions and partners, including Coursera, edX, Udacity, SWAYAM, Future Learn, MooKIT, and many other similar providers. Massive open online courses are another element in the development of open educational resources, especially since they are academic learning programs overseen by major universities and accredited institutions. Types of massively open online coursesSynchronous MOOC: -The synchronous MOOC has a fixed start date and a clear end date; they have fixed deadlines for assignments and assessments. Asynchronous MOOC: - Do not have fixed dates or fixed end dates. Asynchronous MOOC is available anywhere, anytime.Transfer MOOC: -Transfer MOOC takes existing courses and transfers them into the MOOC platform.Made MOOC: -Made MOOC is more innovative in its use of videos. They offer challenging tasks, problem-solving, and varying levels of software-driven interactive experiences. Adaptive MOOC: - Adaptive MOOC is based on dynamic assessment and collection of course and lesson data. Group MOOC: - Starts with small, collaborative groups of students. . The objective is to increase the student's memory.Mini MOOC: - Mini MOOCs are associated with universities, whose courses last several weeks and often adapt to the semester structure andon the schedule of traditional institutions.Advantages and Disadvantages of MOOCsMOOCs charge no fees for their courses, and it does not provide any modified tutorials or instructor attention. This is a course open to anyone who is interested and regardless of location, resulting in a more diverse student base, it is difficult to track tasks and learner engagement. Collecting data via computer programs makes it possible to examine the success and failure of each learner, whereas without an Internet connection, learners cannot use MOOC programs. MOOC courses are available to a wide audience around the world, but language can be a barrier when offering MOOCs. Teachers and learners benefit from global visibility whereas in the traditional classroom, participation cannot provide online training. Difference between MOOC and e-learning coursesMOOCOpen environmentFree accessibilityMassive participationCommunity and instructor supportCommunication tools and use of social mediaIt gives more importance to the learning processE-learning courseClosed environmentRegistration fee is required to accessGroup limitedMajority support from teaching staffCommunication through debate forumsFocus is on assessment and oriented accreditationRole of MOOCs in educationA series of studies have been carried out by different authors on various issues related to open online courses massive and to library and information sciences (LIS) area where, in Riddle, Randy presented that MOOCs are a new model of online courses and offer interest and support for education and universities. MOOCs are not fixed compared to the traditional courses available at university and MOOCs can start at any time and with no duration limit. The role of MOOCs in higher education to enable all students to complete their courses in a non-traditional format. They offer free or minimum cost courses for students. Badi and Ali said that MOOCs are an open educational environment which is considered a factor in open and rapid education. The article mainly attempts to explain the changes in the quality of education, so that it meets all the requirements of development and progress of civilization. Subbian and Vignesh explain that in online education, MOOCs have created a major role and provide online courses to learners for free. of the cost. The article also emphasizes the role of MOOCs in STEM disciplines (STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and their associated courses. It also examines the ability of MOOCs to develop learning experiences and promote interdisciplinary education in STEM fields. In education, MOOCs can help learners and expand their knowledge. The higher education system is divided into three sectors: formal, non-formal and informal. The formal sector represents a traditional course that involves teaching and learning in colleges and universities, and MOOC courses are available for open and distance learning. The non-formal sector represents formal courses and issues certificates to learners. The informal sector accounts for the majority of learners who attend full-time courses and do not obtain certificates for any course. MOOCs therefore play an important role in these three sectors. MOOCs in the LIS profession and their advantages Online learning is a new concept of MOOCs in education. Educational development in orientation program for learners, institute, faculty andthe library. LIS professionals to test emerging technologies, participate with a new role, collaborative creation, new emerging technologies and participatory practices to serve their communities. LIS professionals and learners can play the roles of connector, collaborator, and self-learner in the social learning experience through MOOCs. LIS professionals can use MOOC platforms for learners to enrich the knowledge of experts in the field, the usefulness of online learning and engaging, downloadable content available on site, to help bring variety, higher learning through numerous assessments, increased interest and concentration, and also improve education and research in the LIS field. Universally MOOCs in Library and Information Sciences Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and American Library Association (ALA), these two associations are developed through a discussion name under the name of Library Support for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs ) Discussion Group “The Hyperlinked Library MOOC” is invented by Michael Stephens and Kyle Jones by School ofInformations at San Jose State University. OCLC is hosting a conference in 2013 on MOOCs and Libraries: Massive Opportunity or Overwhelming Challenge? Gerry McKiernan created a blog for MOOCs and Libraries: MOOCs and Libraries is dedicated to documenting the involvement of librarians and libraries in Massive Open Online Courses. free online platformsProf. Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng are two computer science professors at Stanford who created Coursera in 2012. Coursera provides a platform where anyone, anywhere can learn and earn degrees from top universities and education providers. formation of the world. Lectures include recorded videos, community discussion forums, and peer-reviewed assignments. Once the course is completed, learners will receive a shareable course certificate online. In 4-6 months, learners can learn basic skills and the price of each course starts at around $39(USD). Coursera covers 2098 topics and approximately 20,267 members. A total of 200 partners covered by Coursera and in 48 countries are included, such as international partners like the University of Toronto, the University of Sydney, the University of Western Australia and the University of Zurich. It also provides national partners such as the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC) and the Indian School of Business (ISB). The number of courses taught is approximately 3,776 courses. Courses taught by CourseraInformation TechnologyPersonality DevelopmentLanguage LearningSocial Science & Arts & HumanitiesMathematics & LogicBusinessComputer ScienceData SciencePhysical Sciences & EngineeringHealthcareedX was founded by Harvard and MIT in 2012. edX helps transform traditional education, removing barriers of cost, location and access to the highest quality, engaging learning experiences through innovative Micro-Masters programs. edX is founded and continues to be governed by colleges and universities. edX is the only leading provider offering both nonprofit and open source courses. Open-edX is also an open source platform and is available for free to learners. Open-edX contributes to learners for new features of the platform. It covers approximately 2,400 courses, 20 million learners worldwide and approximately 70 million registrations. edX includes founding members such as Harvard University, Boston University, IIT Bombay,the University of Chicago, as well as members such as Colgate University, IBM, Indiana University, Wits University and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Courses taught by edXEconomics and FinanceFood and NutritionLawMusicCommunicationEnvironmental StudiesEthicsHumanitiesEnergy and Earth SciencesPhysicsSWAYAM is a program developed by the Government of India. It provides three essential fundamental principles of education, namely: access, equity and quality. The main objective of this program is to provide the best educational resources to all learners. All Swayam classes are interactive and hosted by the best in the country; the courses available are free for all learners. Lectures delivered in SWAYAM are in the form of video lectures, learners can download reading materials, self-assessment tests, quizzes and online discussion forums. In order to offer best quality content, Swayam also provides nine national coordinators such as AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) for self-paced and international courses, NPTEL for engineering and UGC for education Non-Government Post Graduation Technical, NCRET. and NIOS for school education and IIMB for management studies. Courses taught by SWAYAMEngineering and TechnologyManagement and CommerceMaths and SciencesArchitecture and PlanningEducationUdacity's goal is to provide education through the world's best higher education opportunities that are accessible, flexible and economically available to all learners. Courses taught by UdacityData ScienceArtificial IntelligenceCloud ComputingProgramming and DevelopmentAvenirLearn is a digital education platform established in December 2012. It offers various courses taught by leading universities and institutions; The courses are accessible on mobile, tablet and computer, and these are taught one by one so that learners cannot take advantage of the different courses available on future learning. Current partners of this portal are the University of Basel, the University of Bristol, the University of Cape Town, the University of Michigan, the University of Sydney, the University of Canberra, the University of Warrick and the University of California. are the suppliers of the international partner of Future Learn. Courses taught by Future LearnBusiness and ManagementHealth & PsychologyScience & MathTechnology & CodingNature & EnvironmentPolitics & the Modern WorldStudy SkillsCreative Arts & MediaHistoryLanguage & CultureKhan Academy's mission is to provide the world's best free education to every learner, anywhere, anytime any time. It offers practical exercises; instructional videos and a personalized learning dashboard that allow learners to study at their own pace, course resources are translated into more than 36 languages. They also offer internship programs in over 25 languages ​​around the world. Courses taught by Khan Academy: Mathematics Physical Sciences Humanities Health & Medicine Art & History Economics & Finance Science & Engineering KV Courses Computer Science Iversity is the European online learning platform that allows universities to share a wide range of courses with students from all over the world, which provides them with a good opportunity to obtain degrees. , no matter where they are. They work closely with instructors, higher education institutions and knowledge base companies who provide high quality, engaging, interactive and fun courses. They are also making their higher education more accessible, more affordable and more personalized for their learners...