
  • Essay / America's Values: American Values ​​- 812

    America's ValuesIn a country as culturally and ethnically diverse as the United States of America, it can be hard to believe that so many people from such different backgrounds can share the same basic set of values. Even if you asked a random number of Americans, they would receive varying answers about their values. Some may not be able to give a definitive answer. Others might continually list values ​​without stopping. Although it may seem like there is a wide range of values, a closer look reveals that these ideas can be condensed into four broad categories. These very important American values ​​are individualism, equality, competition and progress. By far the most important ideal that Americans possess is their idea of ​​individualism. The belief that each person is unique and responsible for his or her own life is instilled in every person from childhood. Rather than seeing themselves as members of a group, Americans believe that everyone is different; therefore, it leads them to believe that society has no influence on the values ​​they themselves hold. This is one of the reasons why it is difficult to ask an American what American values ​​are. Along with the concept that each individual is in control of their own being, instead of seeing the rich as lucky and the poor as unlucky, they are seen as hard working and lazy. Since each individual is responsible for their own life, it is up to them to decide where they end up in the end. Finally, individuality comes with a value placed on privacy. Americans expect that everyone needs some alone time in their daily lives to regain their energy. If we say he needs time alone, that feeling is understood and respected. Closely associated with middle of paper......future. Thanks to their hard-working attitude, positive outlook, and vision for change, America has become a hotbed of progress. This value has led America to achievements, like the moon landing, that others thought impossible. Although America is richly diverse, its own culture is built around the values ​​of individualism, equality, competition and progress. Each of these values ​​is closely related to one another, while encompassing many smaller ideals. Although Americans believe that each individual is a unique person, it cannot be denied that these values ​​are strongly ingrained in American society. Throughout its history, America has taken a multitude of steps to protect these values, whether it realizes it or not. If you look closely, it is obvious that these four values ​​have truly become an intangible centerpiece of American society..