
  • Essay / Mental Disorders - 3492

    Mental DisordersThe term mental disorder refers to psychological and behavioral syndromes that deviate significantly from those typical of mentally healthy human beings. All this gibberish means that a mentally ill person was a few cards short of a complete deck. It's probably not the people's fault that they are like that, they were just born that way. These people are not all alike. They're not even in exact classes because not all classes have been separated yet. In most cases, a normal, undisturbed person is afraid of these types of people. It's because they don't want to evolve like these people. A common example of a mental disorder is Down syndrome. In the early 90s, there was a TV show featuring a boy who had to live with this terrifying disorder. This show was very inspiring for all people suffering from disorders. The boy's name was Corky and he struggled with all aspects of the disease. These range from physical triumphs to everyday kids bullying him at school. The show was taken off the air in 1993 due to sponsors. Records of disorder types are unknown, as are many other records of treatments given to people suffering from a disorder. This is mainly because in the early 1900s, people thought people with the disorder were just stupid and didn't look into the issue further. The number of people with a disorder is unknown. It is estimated that 15% of the American population suffers from some sort of disorder, but this is not factual. In fact, the people questioned can only estimate from the people who register themselves in an institution, those who do so represent 3% of the 15% estimate. In 1990, the United States spent approximately $148 billion to treat mental disorders. Childhood Disorders Many mental disorders first appear during infancy, childhood and adolescence. of the same age and the same culture. A retarded person goes through a lot of emotional problems because of the fact that society makes fun of such people. A retarded person has an IQ below 70. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder includes conditions marked by inappropriate lack of attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity, in which the child... ... middle of paper ..... .his son is going through a lot of emotional problems because of society making fun of these people. A retarded person has an IQ below 70. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder includes conditions marked by inappropriate lack of attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity, in which the child has difficulty organize and complete work, is unable to stick to or follow through on activities. directions and is excessively agitated. Anxiety disorders include fear of leaving home and parents, excessive withdrawal from contact with strangers, and excessive and unfocused worrying and fearful behavior. Persuasive developmental disorders are characterized by distortions of several psychological functions, such as attention, perception. , reality testing and motor movement. One example is childhood autism, a condition characterized by insensitivity to other people, bizarre responses, and a gross inability to communicate with others in the world. Paranoid disorder The central feature of paranoid disorders in the dilution of a person, for example the fact that he is being persecuted or conspired against. In another form, dilution consists of unreasonable jealousy. the person maybe r