
  • Essay / The Secret of Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

    The transitional movement that took place between the 14th and 17th centuries in Italy is known as the Renaissance period or by definition "renaissance". The philosophy that took place at the time was that of humanism or an emphasis on the human being. One of the master artists of this era is Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) and one of the paintings that best represents the philosophy and art of this period is the Mona Lisa. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essayThe philosophy of humanism was born at a time when the focus was on the human being. Previous philosophy from medieval times was more focused on biblical motivation, while humanism was not. Humanism represented the; "the emergence of the individual figure, in place of a stereotypical or symbolic figure, a resulting greater realism and attention to detail, as evidenced by the development of linear perspective and the increased realism of faces and of human bodies” (High Renaissance Art (nd)) The Renaissance artist followed the spirit of humanism by depicting realistic human forms with correct clothing, expression and proportions. A new three-dimensional form was created with new techniques. The natural landscape began to appear as a background as a transition between sky figures on a golden background. Realism and idealism are other concepts used during the Renaissance era and one could say that Leonardo da Vinci mastered them. Realism or the representation of subjects as they are actually realized by: shapes, colors, proportions, effects of light and shadow, spatial harmony and composition. Leonardo's background in science, drawing, sculpture, and architecture all contributed to each part of his painting of the Mona Lisa (The Mona Lisa, (nd)). Idealism was the idea of ​​representing subjects as they should be. The Mona Lisa was a painting that Leonardo da Vinci worked on between 1503 and 1506; some believe that the painting was still unfinished when he died in 1519. The Mona Lisa clearly represents the philosophy of humanism by representing an emphasis on human beings and realism. It also shows nature, as seen in the background behind the figure in the painting. The main focus of the Mona Lisa actually lies on the person in the photo. In previous medieval art, portrait figures were depicted in profile and were stiff. Mona Lisa is painted in a relaxed three-quarter pose and cropped unlike the norm of full-length portraits. While images previously featured the figure in the painting adorned with jewelry and decorations, the Mona Lisa is simple and free of any jewelry. The woman's hair is straight and has only a simple veil (which may be a symbol of chastity); her hands are relaxed and free of bracelets and rings. Only the folds of her dress or dress are present (Mona Lisa, painted from 1503 to 1507, (nd)) as well as the dress topped with lace that she wears. The main focus of Mona Lisa is on the face of the painting. Chiaroscuro techniques, using lights and darks and sfumato (mixing one tone with another) or corner illusion which allows the imagination to see the area in a different way, have been introduced and used by Da Vinci in his painting (Mona Lisa painted from 1503 to 1507, (nd)). These techniques, done using oil paints, were used on the face and hands to make the person appear more real and almost as if they were in motion. The smile so famous and which adds to the,.