
  • Essay / Goodman Brown Allegory - 702

    The world outside the village, outside the normal boundaries of what is right and wrong for the Puritans and outside Brown's comfort zone. Goodman Brown “looked fearfully behind him” (Hawthorne 1) and said, “What if the devil himself were at my side!” » (Hawthorne 1) as he walked through the forest to meet the traveler. Hawthorne never tells the reader that Goodman Brown is going to a witches' meeting. He's only giving you evidence to support the fact that he shouldn't go. “We have been a race of honest men and good Christians. » (Hawthorne 2). Goodman says to the traveler as he follows the path into the forest. “Shall I be the first named Brown to walk this path and keep it” (Hawthorne 2) “This is my wife, Faith. . It would break his dear little heart; and I prefer to break mine. " (Hawthorne 3). Goodman Brown knew that the place he was going would crush his faith, but he never says it was a meeting of witches. Young Goodman Brown is an allegorical story. Hawthorne uses a lot of ambiguity. Hawthorne uses ambiguity to make his story allegorical Hawthorn uses faith to symbolize all faith in humanity, the forest to represent Goodman Brown stepping out of his comfort zone, and