
  • Essay / The Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven - 2136

    The “Kingdom of God” or “Kingdom of Heaven” appears one hundred and nineteen times in the New Testament (Arndt, 8). The Christian Church calls the kingdom the Kingdom of God. The kingdom can be interpreted in many ways, ranging from it being a realm, a higher power, or even being within us. Throughout his performances he is always described as being in the future and that it will arrive soon, we are already at the stage but not yet. Once the kingdom comes, the end of the world will have come and judgment will be upon us, then the Son of Man will return to Heaven. The Kingdom of God is, so to speak, in the making; through God it continues to evolve. The righteous and the unrighteous currently live side by side but will ultimately be separated. Jesus being the Messiah had made the kingdom a reality because God had created it through his existence. It is quite easy to enter the kingdom, the only thing you need is to accept Jesus as our Savior. Additionally, you need a pure heart, you can't just do righteous things and expect to enter the kingdom. The source of sin is the human heart, and repentance can cleanse it. The book of Matthew frequently mentions the Kingdom of Heaven, which is used instead of God because at the time, according to the Jews, it was not good to frequently mention the name of God. Additionally, John had used the term eternal life when speaking of the kingdom. Matthew and John both refer to the terms of the kingdom with different names, but ultimately they know it as a time of judgment that is coming where you will be granted eternal life once you enter the Kingdom of Heaven . The kingdom of Heaven occurs thirty-two times in the Gospel of Matthew (Green, 473). Matthew connects the kingdom to the kingship of Jesus by spreading the middle of the paper mentioning only the kingdom, but we can imagine that it will be like this (Luke 23:43). The Kingdom of Heaven is ultimately a reward that we we will receive by living a righteous life. The eternal life we ​​have is something we can all maintain through our unbiased belief in our Savior and all of His teachings. By knowing that we have eternal life in our hearts and repenting of our sins, we will be able to enter the kingdom when it comes. We must also cultivate healthy relationships and friendships, while trying to live like Jesus. If we go into a field that allows us to receive great fortunes, we must give most of it away to help others. Everything we lose on Earth will be gained in Heaven and vice versa. It is not for us as human beings to judge one another, for we must wait for God to come down and evaluate us when the time of salvation has arrived...