
  • Essay / Revolution towards the field of biomedical research and modern medicine

    The subject of stem cells involves biological scientific research that proposes the potential development of treatment methods to prevent various diseases. Stem cells have the potential to revolutionize modern medicine, while contributing to the rise of professional scientists and modern biology. Furthermore, the subject of stem cells is extremely controversial, affecting several religious beliefs and contrasting societies. This article identifies extensive research involving the many aspects and properties of stem cells. Focusing on the classification and importance of stem cell research, as well as highlighting the controversy surrounding the topic. Further describe the nature of stem cells associated with other cells and medical research. The work is summarized by the importance of stem cell research and its beneficial importance to the future of science. A wide variety of opportunities makes this cutting-edge therapy a turning point in medicine, restoring hope for incurable diseases. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get the original essayThe human body encompasses several specialized cells that exist with different structures and functions. For example, a brain cell transmits electrical signals as part of the nervous system and a liver helps remove toxins from the blood. In contrast, stem cells are undifferentiated cells of the human body. This means that they do not have a specific job or function. They are capable of differentiating into any specialized cell of an organism, while also having the capacity for a biological process called "self-renewal", defined as the generation of perfect copies upon division. The promise of stem cells as beneficial new tools for human health lies in these dual properties, which enable the production of unlimited quantities of defined cell types. Subsequently, the research is currently applied and fully integrated into the field of biological sciences. Beyond the definition, stem cells can be divided into two broad sources, based on the range of specialized cells they are capable of regenerating. Tissue-specific (or adult) stem cells come from throughout the body, where they function to maintain and replace existing cells in organs as they deteriorate. Tissue stem cells have a limited ability to generate other cell types. For example, a brain cell can become any type of brain cell, but not a muscle cell, so it is considered multipotent; capable of producing only certain types of cells in the body. Tissue stem cells are obtained from the organ or tissue in which they are found, and are being further studied for health treatments involving several diseases. Pluripotent stem cells, on the other hand, have the potential to generate any type of cell found in the body. Embryonic stem (ES) cells are one example. These cells are derived from early stage embryos, before implementation. More precisely, they are obtained from the internal mass of the blastocyst, the ball of cells that, in humans, develops from the fertilized egg after 3 to 8 days. Interestingly, ES cells were the first type of pluripotent stem cells discovered in 1981, initially studied in mice and then in humans. Pluripotent stem cellsInduced stem cells (iPS) are a different type of pluripotent stem cells, recently developed to mimic the characteristics of an ES cell. iPS cells are produced from specialized cells using a technique called “reprogramming”. These cells are reassembled using genetic manipulation and other techniques to increase research potential. Modern scientists have developed this technique and carefully implemented research to prevent embryonic use. Together, the development and adaptation of these groups of stem cells have contributed to, and have contributed to, the promise of the present and future of regenerative medicine. Scientists have obtained stem cells from sources throughout the human body. Tissue-specific stem cells have been found and extracted in the brain, bone marrow, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, skin, teeth, liver, and other (but not all) organs and tissues. Researchers believe that cells dominate in a specific area of ​​each tissue, where they stay and divide to create new cells only when activated by tissue injury, disease, or other properties that force the body to generate additional cells. The umbilical cord is the cord that connects the unborn baby to the placenta. This allows the baby to access nutrients and oxygen while remaining in the mother's body. This cord contains stem cells that can develop into only certain types of cells, such as blood cells and cells useful for fighting disease. Doctors extract the umbilical cord when the baby is born so scientists can develop and advance the stem cells for treatments such as leukemia, anemia and other blood diseases. As noted previously, embryonic stem cells can be obtained from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst. The blastocyst is the term used to describe the mass of cells formed at an early stage of an embryo's development. Stem cell research is at the beginning of a development that will likely address many diseases of importance to society, particularly in the aging population. Stem cells not only offer hope for reconstructive therapies, they provide us with a better understanding that distinguishes them from normal cells. In 2007, scientists announced that they had developed a new way to make human cells look like pluripotent cells, mimicking similar characteristics of embryonic stem cells. By simply changing the expression of the cells using genetic modification, they were “induced” to become stem cells and are now called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Originally, iPS cells were produced using viruses to edit the gene, although this technique was found to cause permanent and potentially dangerous changes in the cells. However, as previously noted, since the discovery of cells, scientific reprogramming technologies have advanced and allowed researchers to study new methods to prevent viruses from being used. Currently, scientists use this method to create disease-specific cells by extracting a cell from a patient with a genetic disease, after using iPS cells to further study the disease in the laboratory. Further research should be conducted to discover whether iPS cells will offer the same value and treatment potential as embryonic stem cells. There.