
  • Essay / How to Prevent Recurring Dreams - 786

    According to a survey, about 5 to 10 percent of adults have nightmares once a month or more frequently. In my case, I dreamed of failing the exam while I was preparing to enter college. This type of dreams that repeat in the same patterns are called recurring dreams. Generally, recurring dreams tend to appear in nightmare form, and most people who experience these dreams suffer from negative feelings such as fear and anxiety. However, suffering from recurring dreams can be avoided through a typical process. This process involves perceiving a dream by writing a dream journal, exercising self-discipline during the day, and finally controlling dreams. The simplest and most basic step to avoiding recurring dreams is to keep a dream journal and interpret those dreams. Like “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know,” it is important to know dreams specifically. Through this step, recurring dreams can be remembered and analyzed. First of all, the dream diary should be able to be viewed anytime and anywhere so that all dreams can be recorded. Right after waking up in the morning, the first thing to do is to write down the dream. Even if a dreamer is awakened in the middle of the night, keeping a dream journal should not be neglected. Additionally, this journal should be considered the dreamer's dream dictionary. That is, specific details should be recorded as much as possible, and also classified according to similar symbols and patterns. Finally, this journal can be reviewed and therefore recurring dream symbols and patterns are analyzed. This means that every time these dreams recur, the dreamer can consult this journal...... middle of paper ...... and monitoring the recurring dreams can be examined, the meanings they are trying to convey can be examined. be identified and, ultimately, they can be overcome. However, these three stages are not separate but interact with each other. The first step is essential to achieve the second step. For example, perceiving recurring dreams through an accurate journal is essential to entering lucid dreaming. Additionally, this process is not a temporary solution such as deletion or escape. On the other hand, by analyzing and interpreting the root cause of recurring dreams, people who suffer from these dreams can be more self-aware. Additionally, during the process of self-discipline and control, willpower can also be strengthened. In other words, thanks to this process of resolving recurring problems, the crisis can become an opportunity for development...