
  • Essay / Sammy in A & P, by John Updike - 1902

    Sammy in "A & P" by John Updike is a typical developed teenager, who goes through many changes throughout the story. It all started when he saw three girls his age walking around the store wearing only their swimsuits, it flattered him. This caused Sammy to think a lot throughout the event. He didn't like his job and he expressed his opinions throughout the story. As Sammy saw the three girls, he analyzed everything around him, from the girls, to his town, to the customers and employees at the store. When he watched the girls walk around the store with their heads held high. Sammy, the round and vibrant character that he is, began to face many challenges in which he had to decide how he wanted his life to go, rather staying or moving on to bigger and better things. Sammy had a typically boring and what seemed like a typical small town job. The only person in the store he really had a connection with was Stokesie, which is Sammy's flagship, because Stokesie is married, has kids, and wanted to eventually become a manager one day. Something Sammy didn't want to stay and see. The store's customers were all pretty much the same, to which Sammy didn't show much emotion, except that he called them "sheep pushing their carts down the aisle" (Updike 261). It's easy to say that Sammy didn't like his job, but it also seemed like he had no other choice, like he was stuck in his small town and there was no way out. . Then, out of the blue, he saw three girls wearing only their swimsuits entering the store. Sammy noticed something different about them, as if they were free from the conservative values ​​of that era; they were part of a new generation. Especially Queenie, he referred to middle of paper......p and you are unhappy with your situation in life and you really want a change. With Sammy, he always wanted to quit but never had the courage to stand up and go through with it, mainly because he didn't have that free-thinking mentality like the girls. Although when he finally walked out of the store and the girls weren't there, he had no idea what was next in life, but he knew he was free to make his own decisions. Sammy no longer had to put up with Mr. Lengel's nonsense, or stand around and watch Stocksie become manager. It was time for him to stop being overwhelmed and pave the way for his own future. His parents may have been upset, but it gave him the opportunity to defend his own actions and have confidence in the choices he made, whether good or bad. Sammy was able to move forward and start a new chapter in his life.