
  • Essay / The relationship between the United States and Israel

    President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel by moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has drawn sharp criticism from the left and lots of praise from the right. and, of course, Israel itself. The president continues to show that he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the Middle East's only true democracy. Israeli media reports that a high-profile secret deal between the Trump administration and Israel to combat the “Iranian threat” has been reached. successfully negotiated between the two sides on December 12, 2017. Reports of the agreement follow President Trump's decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and the Prime Minister's defense of Christians and praise of the president. Israeli Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Joint teams and agreementsSay ​​no to plagiarism. Get a custom essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get the original essayThe previous administration consistently undermined Israel, its sovereignty on the world stage, and its tactical options against Iran.President Trump not only reverses all of the previous administration's deviousness toward Israel, but actively solidifies the two countries' alliance for years to come. The Jerusalem Post reports: The document marks the start of a new cooperative effort against Iran, a senior US official told the Jerusalem Post. The agreement allows for the formation of several joint teams to tackle different aspects of the Iranian threat against Israel and its allies in the Middle East, according to a report by Israeli television channel 10 News. The Times of Israel described how the events unfolded: In what the television report described as a "secret" meeting at the White House, the United States and Israel formulated and signed a joint agreement on strategy and Iran policy. Specifically, they agreed to create joint teams to manage various aspects of the Iranian threat. According to published reports, the United States and Israel have formed four teams to combat different facets of the growing regional threat. All of these teams are the result of joint efforts between the United States and Israel. The report then describes the four joint teams formed by the White House and Israel and the responsibilities assigned to each of them. The Times of Israel explains: One of these joint teams, according to the report, will deal with Iranian activity in Syria and Tehran's support for the terrorist organization Hezbollah. Another joint team will handle diplomatic and intelligence activities aimed at combating Iran's nuclear ambitions. It was reportedly agreed that a third joint team would tackle Iran's ballistic missile program and its efforts to build accurate missile systems in Syria and Lebanon. Finally, a fourth team would oversee preparation for any escalation by Iran and/or Hezbollah. Israeli officials confirmed the agreement to Israeli Channel 10 journalist Barak Ravid: [T]he United States and Israel agree on various developments in the region and particularly those related to Iran. We have reached agreement on the strategy and policy needed to counter Iran. Our agreements concern the overall strategy but also the concrete objectives, the modalities of action and the means to be used to achieve these objectives. The final objective of this agreement is not yet clear. However, it appears that the denuclearization of Iran is the top priority for Israel and the United States. The report seems to suggest that “.