
  • Essay / Ethiopia - 2428

    SUBJECT: EthiopiaIntroductory paragraphsThe history of the development of Ethiopia.Brief history of Ethiopia in the colonial era.Body paragraphs1. First paragraphEconomic development since 2000 until today and agriculture as the main contributorGrowth theory, Examples of theories and strategies; growth model, structural model2. Next paragraphFactors that affect development as a general process in Ethiopia, strategies implemented by the government and policies on economic development and economic growth challenges. Examples of Ethiopian government policies and strategies used so far to boost the local economy.3. Next paragraphSuccesses and failures of the economic strategies implemented by the government o EthiopiaConclusionSummarize the discussion, highlight the important factors discussed and summarize the articles and what was the objective of the article.IntroductionEthiopia is an African country officially known as the name of Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and famous Known as one of the oldest places of human life for scientists. Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa (east of Africa). It is claimed that Ethiopia was the only African country to defeat a European colonial power and retain sovereignty as an independent country. It is claimed that Ethiopia was conquered by Italy in 1935 and regained its independence in 1941 on May 5 and the ruler at that time was Halie Selassi. Ethiopia's largest economic contributor is the agricultural sector, with 46% of gross domestic product and a workforce comprised of 85% agriculture (Ethiopia's gross domestic product by sector). Ethiopia is a federal republic, meaning there is no monarch and the state exercises democracy...... middle of document ...... References Global Green Growth Institute (2011 ), Green Growth in Ethiopia: Project report, Global Green Growth Institute, SeoulMenyah, K and Wolde-Rufael, Y 2013, “GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: THE ETHIOPIAN EXPERIENCE, 1950-2007”, Journal Of Developing Areas, 47, 1, pp. 263-280, Academic Search Full, EBSCOhost, accessed March 24, 2014. Martins, PMG 2007, “The impact of external aid on Government expenditures, revenue and Domestic Boring in Ethiopia”, International Poverty Center Working Paper No. 1. 41.White, P 2005, “War and Food Security in Eritrea and Ethiopia, 1998–2000”, Disasters, 29, pp. 92-113, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, accessed March 25, 2014. com/Ethiopia_GTP_2015.pdf