
  • Essay / Poverty and corruption: why African foreign aid needs...

    Since the Second World War, developed countries have financed the economies of third world countries. Whether it's a natural disaster or war, humans tend to feel morally obligated to help those in need. Although some foreign aid was successful, notably the Marshal Plan which revived many European countries after World War II, most foreign aid led to corruption and the needy country went under. even deeper into the deficit, driving a large part of its population into poverty. This has been the case so far with foreign aid to Africa, and in current circumstances it appears to be a problem for the foreseeable future. The two most prominent figures around the aid argument are Jeffrey Sachs, who argues that aid has helped many countries escape poverty, and Dambisa Moyo, who argues that aid has only cause more corruption and poverty in third world African countries. . Africa needs conditional aid While some argue that foreign aid to Africa is the force needed to lift the majority of Africa out of poverty, Africa needs a different kind of aid. aid, development aid to help reduce poverty and corruption. poverty per capita over the last forty years and this is due to the influx of foreign aid during this period. In the 1970s, the per capita poverty rate in Africa was one in ten; today, seven out of ten people live below the poverty line. The 1970s was also the time when foreign aid began flowing heavily to Africa. This is due to the philanthropic work of many celebrities who have inspired the public to join in donating and helping save Africa. In 1985, at Wembley Stadium in London, a sixteen-hour concert for...... middle of paper ...... countries can anti-malaria bed nets, organizations should teach Africans how to make the nets so that they can create jobs. Instead of giving money over long periods of time, which has proven ineffective, rich countries should provide monetary aid over a short period of time, accompanied by instructions on how to develop the economy. The current foreign aid system has been proven not to work, but no changes have been made. Changes must be made if Africa is to experience economic and political growth. Otherwise, Africa will continue its downward spiral of corruption, poverty and aid dependence. Africa is expected to be weaned off aid in the coming years, forcing African governments to get their act together. Aid must be a subject discussed by governments of developed countries and a compromise must be found to prevent the situation in Africa from getting worse..