
  • Essay / Understanding 3-Tier Architecture

    Table of ContentsPresentation LevelApplication LevelData LevelThe reason we came up with a 3-tier architecture is because of scalability, performance, and availability. The advantages of using the 3-tier architecture: The 3-tier architecture is a client-server software architecture model in which the user interface (Presentation), the logic of the functional processes (business rules), Computer data storage and data access are developed and maintained as independent modules, most often on separate platforms. The 3-tier architecture includes presentation tier, application tier, and data tier. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Presentation Level This is the highest level of the app. It displays information relating to services such as navigation, purchases and shopping cart contents. It communicates with other levels through which it transmits the results to the client level and all other levels of the network. Application level. This level is also called business logic, logical level or middle level. The logical level is extracted from the presentation level and controls the functionality of an application by performing detailed processing. Keep in mind: this is just an example. Get a personalized article from our expert writers now. Get a Custom Essay Data Tier This tier includes the data persistence mechanisms and the data access layer which encloses the persistence mechanisms and exposes the data. The data access layer must provide an application-level application programming interface (API) that exposes methods of managing stored data without exposing or creating dependencies on the data storage systems. The reason we came up with a 3-tier architecture is scalability, performance, and availability. Scalability - Tiers can scale horizontally. Performance - Since the presentation tier can cache queries, using the network is minimized and the load is reduced on the application and data levels. If necessary, one can load balance any availability tier: if the application tier server is down and caching is sufficient, the Presentation tier can process web requests using the hidden. The advantages of using a 3-tier architecture: it gives the possibility of updating the technology stack of a single level, without impacting other areas of the application, it allows different development teams to each work on their own areas of expertise. Today's developers are more likely to have deep skills in one area, like front-end and application coding, instead of working on the full application. We are able to evolve the application upwards and upwards. A separate back-end tier. For example, allowing deployment to a variety of databases instead of being locked into a particular technology. The 3-tier architecture adds reliability and more independence to the underlying servers or services. It facilitates the maintenance of the code base, by managing the presentation code. and business logic.