
  • Essay / Discussion on the topic of homosexuality and religion

    Nowadays, people like to mentally debate on controversial topics and express their views on the issue. One arguably controversial topic is “gay marriage”; it is so often debated because of the different viewpoints behind it. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Gay marriage is defined as marriage between partners of the same sex. There are laws that discriminate against this type of people in this society and only 13% of countries in the world allow same-sex marriage. We must take into consideration that religion is a very important factor because it is what causes non-supporters of the LGBTQ community to give their statements for what they are. But beyond all that, it depends on good ethics, whether the person believes that, in this situation, what they are doing is right or wrong. It is estimated that 10% of the population is bisexual. Religion is one of the main aspects that limits society's opinion on same-sex marriage. In the Bible it is said that the Bible condemns sexual activity that does not take place between husband and wife, whether it is homosexual or heterosexual conduct. In 2012, in the United States, a gay couple approached a bakery called "Masterpiece Cake" to request their wedding cake, but the baker refused to make them a cake because they were gay. . Offended, the couple decided to take up this matter. in court. Nowadays, we live in a world where religion has many perspectives and points of view on different dilemmas in society. Jack Phillips, the Colorado baker who owns "Masterpiece Cake," said he shouldn't be forced to use his talents to send a message of support for same-sex marriage. Phillips remembers saying what he thought at that very moment when he met the gay couple at his bakery. Phillips said: "I'll make you birthday cakes, shower cakes, cookies, brownies, but I just can't make a cake for a same-sex wedding". Phillips argued that two parts of the First Amendment — its protections for free speech and the free exercise of religion — overturned a Colorado anti-discrimination law and allowed him to refuse to create a custom wedding cake he says he doesn't. not fair to be discriminated against by the law simply for simply following their religious views Every American should be free to choose what art they will create and what art they will not create, without fear of being unjustly punished by the law. the baker told a group of local supporters Phillips still vigorously defends his snub of Mullins and Craig in 2012, saying he offered to sell them virtually all of his baked goods except for one cake. personalized for their wedding. In Singapore, gay marriage has been illegal for many decades because Singapore is a safe and secure country. diverse country that is home to many religions. The couple released statements regarding the baker's actions and expressed what they thought about them. Charlie Craig and David Mullins believe businesses open to the public should not be allowed to discriminate against gays and lesbians. Upon hearing what the baker had to say about the request for a wedding cake, the couple say they felt degraded and mortified, leading them to file a discrimination complaint. Mullins said: “There was a horrible pregnancy hiatus and “it was?