
  • Essay / Positive impact of online courses - 641

    ONLINE COURSES AND ITS IMPACTMaybe we don't like sitting in a classroom. Maybe one doesn't have time in one's busy schedule to be in a classroom at a set time. Maybe the journey is too tedious. Maybe it feels like traditional college courses take too long. Maybe you learn at your own pace. Maybe you can't afford to continue your education. Online courses might just be the best option for such a person. Online courses have seen rapid growth in recent times, making it one of the most talked about concepts in the education sector and quickly becoming a mainstay in the education sector. Online education, also classified as distance education, has grown considerably. a new level in today's times with the introduction of MOOCs (Massive open online courses). These courses are accredited worldwide and are taught by respected professors from revered universities including Sanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Harvard University and many more. These online courses reach a larger number of students and meet broader needs than they might otherwise. Online classes, or as some say, distance learning, have become a major trend in today's academic world among students. For few individuals, the value far outweighs the negatives, while for others, the traditional classroom is a more enjoyable and desirable educational approach. We must be better prepared to take on the challenge of working in this new environment and to integrate the new context that it has to offer. Some positive impacts of online classes areā€¦ Regardless of location and time. One of the main advantages of these online courses is that it allows students to participate in high-quality activities...... middle of paper ...... ease of direct face-to-face interaction between the tutor and the student as the role of the teacher as facilitator is removed and therefore the provision of an expert advisor for the student when help is required is not always possible. Feeling of isolation Feeling isolated is a huge stressor. Such an event can also lead the student to feelings of incapacity and insecurity, as well as a lack of confidence in their own abilities. which often prompted students to abandon their studies. The demands placed on students Online courses require precise time management skills and focus, as well as less dependence on learners compared to the conventional learning method. Quality Questioned Too often, online instructors don't follow through on their course. do the groundwork as seriously as they can, and this lack of commitment surely has a profound and negative effect on the quality of online learning..