
  • Essay / Nazi Scientists and Doctors - 1625

    This essay will explore the role that Nazi scientists and doctors played in labeling Jews as "different" during the Holocaust. Some of Germany's most renowned medical training professionals and biomedical research institutes engaged in forms of research using forced labor, dissection, extermination, euthanasia and sterilization programs that pushed back the limits of moral behavior and medicine to prove that Jews are inferior human beings to Germans. Around six million Jews died during the Holocaust. Hitler's master plan to cleanse Germany of Jews was not only carried out by the German police and army, but was also in the murderous hands of doctors who controlled the lives and deaths of prisoners. One of these famous doctoral professors from Munich, Josef Mengele, was known as the “angel of death.” Mengele's "medical experiments" performed at Auschwitz were cruel beyond belief. (1)During the Holocaust, there were different types of concentration camps where innocent Jews would suffer and die. There were death camps, huge prisons and extermination centers. During the Holocaust, the most famous concentration camp was Auschwitz. The systemic gassing of Jews began at Auschwitz in March 1942. (2) It is unimaginable to the human mind that these death camps existed. Not only did they exist and function like well-oiled machines, but the number of concentration camps is staggering, showing Germany's determination to destroy the Jews. The variety of camps which included: labor, death, cold experiments and related work, to name a few, totaled 10,005. “There were 52 main concentration camps, which had a total of 1,202 satellite camps. Auschwitz alone, with its 50 satellite camps, had 7,000 guards among...... middle of paper ...... the annihilation of the Jews was a condition for the recovery of the world and Germany . And Dr. Jacob R. considered Mengele an SS mystic who believed that "if all the Jews were annihilated, victory would come by itself." Unlike most SS doctors, Mengele was a true ideologue: a man who understood that his life was in service of a larger vision. He undoubtedly saw himself as a Nazi revolutionary, a man committed to the daring task of remaking his people and, ultimately, the people of the world. Mengele was the exemplar of the Nazi biological revolutionary. For many survivors, Mengele must have come to represent the evil of Auschwitz that it meant in their lives. lives could only be restored through his capture and trial. As one prisoner doctor put it: "I would like to live long enough to see this trial and then I could die ».”. **