
  • Essay / Work-Related Stress - 2183

    Work-related stress has become one of the leading causes of adverse mental health symptoms in today's industrial societies. A direct result of excessive pressures and/or demands placed on individuals at work, work-related stress has caused some people to develop symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other adverse mental health effects. Although it is possible that other cofactors contribute to the development of anxiety and depression in certain population groups, data suggest that work pressure is more likely to trigger adverse reactions in some people. In fact, positive correlations have been found between symptoms of work stress and mental health problems. That is, it is not uncommon to witness loss of appetite, crying spells, fatigue and lethargy, to name a few, in people suffering from both work-related stress and depression. In fact, it is likely that work stress worsens the mental health problems of people who are predisposed to mental illness. Therefore, to the extent that mental health is important for the proper functioning of individuals in society, one cannot deny the existence of a positive relationship between work stress and mental health, as evidenced by the results of numerous research studies. What generally constitutes stress from a definitional perspective is justified before addressing the main points of the present analysis. According to Feldman (2009), stress is defined as “a person's response to threatening or difficult events” (p. 417). As for what triggers this reaction, many factors can be considered. For example, students feel stressed because they have too much work to do before...... the environment of the paper industry....... Overall, the objective of the This research analysis was to explore the relationship between work stress and mental health. The facts clearly demonstrate that there is a correlation between the two phenomena. Therefore, people working in a high-stress environment should exercise caution so that they can explore ways to constructively cope with work-related stress. Since a person's mental health is worth more than any amount of money they could earn, it is suggested that people who are unable to handle high levels of stress seek employment in industry where they can withstand minimal stress. stress levels. Although the knowledge gained from this research will be useful in the future, it is hoped that more research will be conducted in this area to generate a new perspective on these two human phenomena..