
  • Essay / Dining Experience in a Theme Restaurant - 3004

    SUMMARYThis study examines the psychological issues of human emotions during a dining experience in a theme restaurant. The idea is that themed experiences can enhance customers' dining experiences and consumption emotions, which consequently affect their willingness to return. The study is based on a quantitative research method where a questionnaire survey was developed as a means of data collection. The data is analyzed with structural equation modeling (SEM) with the aim of verifying the proposed research model. The result indicates that although thematic experience does not directly affect loyalty behavior, an indirect relationship exists through dining experience and consumption emotion.Keywords:thematic experiences, dining experiences, consumption emotions, loyalty.IntroductionDue to the downturn in the economy, more and more people lost their jobs and went into the restaurant business to make a living. Due to this increasing competitiveness, restaurants are trying to distinguish themselves from others. For this reason, Taiwanese restaurants have evolved from traditional to themed restaurants in recent decades. Theme restaurant is a restaurant that decorates its interior environment in a specific setting in order to establish its specialty and attract the attention of customers. The themed restaurant offers a different atmosphere that makes the customer feel like they are entering a different world possessing different cultures, fantasies or religions while dining. It constitutes a medium for those who wish to discover this type of environment or evoke their good memories without traveling far. Some are also designed to spark people's curiosity as well as raise awareness middle of paper...... The program book for leisure professionals. Palo Alto, CA: National Press Books. Van Boven, L. (2005) Experientialism, materialism and the pursuit of happiness. Review of General Psychology, 9, 132-142Weiss, R., Feinstein, AH and Dalbor, M. (2005). Customer satisfaction with theme restaurant attributes and their influence on return intention. Journal of Restaurant Business Research, Vol. 7, es. 1, p. 23-41. doi:10.1300/J369v07n01_03.Yeah, SS (2008). Theme park visitors-Motives and satisfaction: the case of Janfusun, Taiwan. PhD thesis, University of Waikato, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Yeh, PH, Liu, CR and Yeh, SS (2010). Loyalty and its relationship with travel motivation, brand personality, and self-image congruence. International Journal of Agricultural Travel and Tourism, Vol. 1, no. 1, p.p... 94-106.