
  • Essay / A scenario planning approach to human resources for...

    INTRODUCTIONHuman resources are currently the center of attention in health systems strengthening and public health policies.[1-3] Strategic planning is essential to assess the effectiveness of human resources and health. services, being an effective tool to address innovative solutions within health systems.[4-6] Although the organizational environment is recognized as an important factor in the operation and development of health services, continuous changes in the external environment challenges decision-makers and practitioners. For health professionals, this environment could be described by constant technological evolution, a growing search for patient-centered care and empowerment of citizens, particularly in terms of health knowledge.[7]Strategic planning in community pharmacyPharmacies communities and pharmacists find themselves in a privileged situation. position within health care systems due to their professional training and ease of access (i.e. on most main streets), which could contribute to more reliable surveillance of the use of medicines, patient counseling, as well as health promotion and education.[8, 9] The changing environment pushes community pharmacists to pursue a continuous transition process. Changing health care demands are pushing pharmacists to play a more advanced role in patient care.[10] The shortage of primary health care (PHC) doctors, economic and political uncertainty and ongoing primary care reform in Portugal are all contributing to a changing climate, also creating an opportunity to rethink the role of community pharmacists in the within the country. health care system. Scenario development for the pharmacist workforce Due to socio-economic uncertainty, which limits the ability to predict and plan for the next...... middle of article. ..... Med 2001, 53(7):943-955.68. Paulino E, Guerreiro MP, Cantrill JA, Martins AP, Costa FAd, Benrimoj SIC: Interprofessional work of community pharmacists and physicians: lessons from qualitative studies with multiple stakeholders. Rev. Port Clin Geral 2010, 26: 590-606.69. Buchan J, Temido M, Fronteira I, Lapao L, Dussault G: Nurses in advanced roles: a review of acceptability in Portugal. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem 2013, 21 Spec No: 38-46.70. Leese B: New opportunities for nurses and other healthcare professionals? A review of the potential impact of the new GMS contract on the primary care workforce. J Health Organ Management 2006, 20(6):525-536.71. Tsuyuki RT, Schindel TJ: Changing pharmaceutical practice: the leadership challenge. Journal of Canadian Pharmacists 2008, 141(3):174-180.72. Grier S, Bryant CA: Social marketing in public health. Ann Rev Public Health 2005, 26:319-339.