
  • Essay / Same-sex marriage should be legalized - 1694

    There are many opinions and views on same-sex marriage. The argument over whether or not same-sex marriage should be legalized is extremely controversial. According to an article from the Human Rights Campaign, there is nothing wrong with allowing homosexuals to have the same rights as heterosexuals. Every person should have equal rights, regardless of their sexuality. Same-sex marriage should be legalized in all states and countries, it has been delayed for too long. Additionally, there are several reasons why homosexuals strongly desire to marry legally. One of the most commonly given reasons is that they want to legally show their love for each other by having a marriage license. Homosexuals want the right to marry like everyone else, and for the same reasons. They are in love and want to spend their life with this person. Although it is possible to do it without being married; “they want to honor their relationship in the best way our society can offer” (90). There is no reason why two people can't get married despite their sexuality. If a man and a woman marry because they love each other, what is the difference between a man and a man or a woman and a woman wanting to marry because they love each other? Furthermore, another reason why homosexuals want the right to marry their spouse is because they are being cheated of their rights. Although two people love each other, if they cannot marry, they lose their rights. Marriage provides benefits to both spouses, "same-sex couples in long-term relationships pay higher taxes and are denied the basic protections and rights afforded to married heterosexual couples" (90). It is unfair for same-sex couples to lose their rights based on sexuality. They are...... middle of paper...... one” (97). Some people have lived by this mindset of what a marriage is, but not everything has one vision. A marriage, at the end of the day, is about two serious people who love each other, gender has no place when a person really takes the time to think about what a marriage really is. Regardless, there will always be two views on same-sex marriage; it is up to each individual to decide whose point of view they agree with. Gay marriage should be legally recognized, what is so right about a heterosexual marriage compared to homosexuals? They both start with the letter “H”, the only difference is gender. No one should have the right to determine what is considered “right,” marriage officially forms a couple; it doesn't affect anyone but them. Labels should not define love, and denying same-sex couples the right to marry is unfair and wrong..