
  • Essay / essay1234 - 546

    The majestic sun shines brightly in the clear blue sky and it is like looking closely at a big ball of fire. The wind whispers in the grass cut with precision and delicacy. The clean summer air filled the local park with the hot sun. Everyone wanted to get some fresh air. A colony of swallows glides elegantly and effortlessly on this warm, relaxed summer day. The sun is shining and a gentle cool breeze slides quickly across the large open park. In the far right corner sits a snow-white ice cream stand, selling its fluffy, sweet wares to a long line of ice cream-hungry customers waiting to be served. The decrepit old van had been in the family for generations, the paint was peeling, the body was rusting, the bucket of bolts was good for the dump, but as if hypnotized, everyone in the local park was piling up like bees in front of the vehicle, exhausted parents, bored teenagers, everyone needed a refreshment. The driver of the ice cream van is a sweaty old man, looking exhausted and tired, his eyes looking out over the crowd, hoping for refuge from the swarm of agitated customers. Beads of sweat ...