
  • Essay / Free Trade Essay - 789

    Foreign PolicyFree Trade: Although its economic benefits are constantly debated, free trade is known to produce large and consistent amounts of peace. In the 19th century, Europe enjoyed a remarkably long period of peace. The key to this "golden age" was the decision of the British Parliament to repeal virtually all tariffs and other restrictions on trade with foreign countries. After this, most of Europe joined England in this free trade which lasted for over half a century. However, politicians, for selfish reasons, do not always agree with what works and what the public favors. Countries like Germany began imposing restrictions on foreign trade, and French economist Frédéric Bastiat warned that "when goods don't cross borders, soldiers can." This is exactly what happened, militarism and secret allies took over free trade and the entire continent of Europe went to war in one of the most unnecessary wars of all. time during World War I, and also caused the destruction and chaos caused by World War II. Without free trade, nations have only war. The United States of America benefits from this. While it was a huge free trade zone inside, politicians outside were reckless with restrictions and tariffs. Perhaps the greatest example of this is the smoot-hawley tariff imposed by President Hoover. This caused an international trade war that almost destroyed international trade, the Great Depression. , and the Second World War, mentioned previously. Armed Neutrality: The United States military budget, approximately $700 billion, is about the same as the military budgets of every country in the world. If the US military budget were to be cut in half, it would still be the largest budget in the world, if it were cut in half again,...... middle of paper ...... anti-terrorism is to withdraw all U.S. troops from the Middle East, stop changing and overthrowing Middle Eastern governments, and end government-to-government aid currently provided by the U.S. government. Peace: It is time for the United States not only to withdraw its troops. In the Middle East, but around the world, such as Europe and the Pacific, it is time to remove all barriers to trade and travel and turn enemies into allies. Polls elsewhere in the world consistently indicate that people around the world respect and favor U.S. citizens far more than the U.S. government and admire America's continued productivity and land of opportunity. America as a whole once had this great and honorable reputation and we have a great opportunity to restore peace and unity to our country as well as to the world by restoring this great and honorable reputation..