
  • Essay / Analysis of John Updike's A&P - 1531

    John Updike's story "A&P" is about a 19-year-old boy, Sammy, who works at the local grocery store, the A&P. Sammy works the cash register at the store and always watches the people coming in and out each day. On the day the story takes place, Sammy is caught off guard when a group of girls enter the store wearing only their swimsuits. This caught Sammy's attention because the nearest beach is five miles away and he didn't understand why they would still be in costume. Sammy continues to neglect the girls at the store throughout their efforts to retrieve certain items they were sent for. As they walk around the store, Sammy observes the reactions of other customers, gets yelled at for calling out a women's item twice, and watches the girls' comings and goings and gestures until checkout. Once the girls check out, they are approached by the store manager for being poorly dressed in public. Sammy felt the meeting with the manager was unnecessary and uncomfortable for the girls and he decides it's time to quit his job. Sammy's decision to quit her job at the grocery store shows her evolution from an immature teenager to a person who will take a stand for what she believes in, regardless of the consequences. Sammy's immaturity is visible from the beginning of the story when he says, "On a walk, three girls wear nothing but bathing suits" (Updike 596). At first, Sammy couldn't watch them walking around the store because his back was to the door, but once they were in his sight, he instantly began to picture them and notice every physical detail of each girls, from their complexion to color. costumes. He and his other friends who work middle of paper......don't like being immature, staring at girls as they walk around the store. But as time goes by, he begins to grow up and realizes that he doesn't have to be like everyone else and begins to make his own decisions. He starts out feeling sympathy for the girls and doesn't just look at their appearance. Then stand up to his boss and tell him that he doesn't like the way he treated girls. Eventually, Sammy quits his job and takes a stand for what he believes is right, not what others think is good for him. This shows his growth to mature and make his own rational decisions, regardless of the consequences that may result. Works CitedMagill, Frank N. Critical Survey of Short Fiction. Flight. 6. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 1993. Updike, John. “A&P.” Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. 6th edition. Boston: Bedford/St. that of Martin, 2002.