
  • Essay / A Look at Roman Sculpture - 682

    Roman portraiture was known to be one of the most important and influential periods in the development of portraiture. Roman portraits are characterized by two major styles: realistic or “veristic” and idealized or “classical” elements. Both of these styles are known for their unusual realism and desire to convey images of specific individuals such as gods and emperors. However, it is important to understand that the origins of Roman sculptures date back to the earliest days of Roman history. For example, a popular tradition was to create a wax sculpture of a departing man's dace, which was kept in a special place in the owners' home. These sculptures represented more of a testimony to a person's existence than a true work of art, thus emphasizing more realistic details than artistic beauty. As Roman became wealthy, Roman aristocrats began to make portraits in stone rather than wax. Yet despite this relative change, they maintained their preference for accuracy over artistic expression with rapid development or empire. This trend has seen a dramatic reduction, not so much in the number of statues which, in reality, have been reported to have increased dramatically, but in the quantity of statues. people should be represented in a statue. Instead of statues of statesmen, the statute now depicts emperors. Later emperors, such as Emperor Nero, would erect similar statues around their empire. During my visit to the Worcester Art Museum, I examine many sculptures. This museum has a collection of Greek and Roman art dating back to 1898, including sculptures. Roman sculptures The Emperor sculpture of Nero was the fifth Roman emperor from the death of Claudius in 54 BC until his death in 68 BC. At the end of his reign, Nero appears...... middle of paper ......r because at this time the characters were no longer idealized, but represented as they really were, with all their imperfections . Even though we can only see Nero's face, we can certainly point out one important fact to emphasize: "although technically the Roman portrait is derived from the portrait that existed in the preceding Greek world, it is distinct from that of all other historical periods » Emperor Nero's character is shown in a more naturalistic form, he appears to be angry or mad, the reason he might be shown this way is because of his bad personality, after all, Nero has brought the entire Roman Empire to collapse with his legendary cruelty. However, the portraits of others at the Worcester Art Museum have been shown in a better light, not by the museum but by the opinions of people at the time each sculpture was constructed..