
  • Essay / Work-life balance - 1949

    IntroductionSince the end of hunting and fruit picking as the only sources of survival and the emergence of animal husbandry and agricultural labor began to emerge as distinct from the life. It is an activity that people engage in to earn enough food and meat to eat and share with family, friends and tribesmen. It was a point of separation between livelihood and work. A man worked until the end of the day to spend his free hours after work. It was a great source of development by providing luxuries in terms of time, food security, and physical security that allowed men to indulge in higher order desires and a host of needs for personal fulfillment. This separation of work and life was further increased in the era of industrialization where gradually human physical effort was transferred to various machines through the use of energy production and exploitation of energy. energy by various means such as the steam engine to begin with and the most sophisticated computer-controlled automated machines running on fossil fuels, renewable fuels and nuclear energy. This development worked in several ways. It empowers people to earn and contribute to social welfare in different ways and to spend, splurge and consume more and more, forcing them to earn more and more. Rising standards of living have gradually increased the number of hours needed to maintain and finance this lifestyle. Since the World War, two women have joined the industrial workforce with great zeal and enthusiasm, but this also meant that they had to work harder to manage their lives. their traditional role as housewife and their new roles as career women. They reacted to this situation in two ways. Some choose to join the workforce in what were considered softer jobs like shop floor...... middle of paper...... Family satisfaction, job satisfaction and work-life balance /Communication Reports/July December 2013, Vol. 26 Issue 2, p 101- 112An exploration of the psychological factor affecting work effectiveness, well-being and work-life balance of remote teleworkers/ Grant, Christine A., Wallace, Louise M., Spurgeon, Peter C./Employee Relations / 2013/ Vol. 35 Issue 5, p 527-546Gender, care, part-time employment and work/life balance/Hayman, Jeremy; Rasmussen, Erling. Labor relations file. 2013, Vol.13 Issue 1, p45-5Work-life balance discourse: negotiating “gender blind” in organizations/ Smithson, Janet, Stokoe, Elizabeth H./ Gender, Work and Organization Vol. 12, number 2, p-147-168, March 2005The new economy and work-life balance: conceptual explorations and case study of new media/ Diane Perrons/ Gender Work & Organization/ Vol. 10, number 1., p. 65 - 93