
  • Essay / Informal Reading Inventory - 731

    The student reading Spring and Autumn has answered all conceptual questions to the best of their ability. Most of the answers were correct and logical coming from a first grader. Once she began reading, the student read slowly and pronounced most of the words, but read them correctly. She self-corrected three times as she read, confusing words like go and do, skipping lines, but coming back to read it once, it made no sense. When she came across the word cook after reading the word book, she became perplexed and frustrated. I gave her time to look at the word and encouraged her to say it to understand what it said. After giving him a minute to look at the word, I told him to skip it and continue reading. Then she read the passage that the score she had received was educational; therefore, asking her questions about what she was reading was the next step. When she asked her the questions, she couldn't remember any of the questions involving information before the word cook. She correctly answered the two questions related to the text after the word cook. His word recognition score was informative, but his comprehension was frustration, for this reason his overall score is frustration.