
  • Essay / The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne - 898

    Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of the famous novel The Scarlet Letter, comes from a long line of Puritans. Hawthorne's last name was one of strict Puritan ideals, which translated into topics covered in his literary works. When Hawthorne's father died of yellow fever at sea when he was just four years old, his mother became overprotective and drove him into isolation. All of Hawthorne's fictional characters are believed to be figurative confrontations of good and evil. Almost all of his characters can be classified into one of these two types. Most of Hawthorne's early stories were published anonymously in 19th-century magazines and gift books, ornate compilations of essays, short fiction, and poetry. Through both emotional and physical drama and literary elements such as symbolism, Nathaniel Hawthorne expresses his thoughts on who can truly judge a person for their sins, stating that it is not society's job to judge but rather from God himself. Emotionally dramatic scenes in The Scarlet Letter show Hawthorne's views on judgment. For example, when Hester leaves the prison and reveals herself to the crowd, her first instinct was to hold her baby closer to her and prepare for what was about to happen. “But immediately, judging wisely that one sign of her shame would only serve to hide another, she took the baby on her arm, and, with a burning blush, and yet a haughty smile, and a look that did not wouldn't do. was disconcerted, looked around at her inhabitants and neighbors. On the breast of her dress, made of fine red cloth, surrounded by elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread, appeared the letter A "Carpenter 2 (Hawthorne 39-40). This passage shows how Hester accepts that the middle of paper be powerful and peculiar. All the light and graceful foliage of his character had been withered by this harsh figure” (Hawthorne 125). scarlet letter "A". Writer Charles Feidelson, Jr., comments on the additional meanings of the scarlet "A" regarding the moment the narrator came across the manuscript "It is not primarily a moment of consciousness, for. Hawthorne carefully avoids any explicit reference to Carpenter 4's theme of adultery or even the idea of ​​sin as a single letter, the most indeterminate of all symbols, and the first letter of the alphabet, the beginning of all communication. , Hester’s emblem represents a potential point of coherence within a multiple historical experience” (Feidelson 33). Throughout history, the "A" in "adultery" has morphed into an "A" for "capable ».’.