
  • Essay / The Growth of Claudio - 1215

    In the era of William Shakespeare, where courtship and romance were often overshadowed by the need to marry for social progress and to secure inheritance, emerges a couple of Many ado about nothing, Hero and Claudio, who must grow not only as a couple, faced with deception and slander, but as individuals. Of the couple, Claudio, a brave soldier respected by some of the highest-ranking men of his time, Prince Don Pedro and the governor of Messina, Leonato, has the most to do. Throughout the play, Claudio's transformation from an immature, lovestruck boy who believes in gossip and is easily manipulated is seen as he blossoms into a mature young man who admits his mistakes and actually has the ability to love the girl he has. so desired. The first sign of Claudio's immaturity is the ease with which he falls in and out of love. In Act 1, Scene 1, Claudio says to Benedict, "I should scarcely have confidence in myself, though I had sworn to the contrary, if Hero were my wife" after simply admiring Hero's beauty (Shakespeare 1.1 .9). There is yet no real substance to his love for Hero other than the outward appearance, much like any young and naive person in love. When Claudio asks Don Pedro: “Does Leonato have sons, my lord? helps the reader better understand Claudio and what might be his true motive for wanting to marry Hero, his Leonato's only heir (1.1.13). Another sign of Claudio's fickleness is that when Don Jon, the bastard, tells him that Hero has affection for Don Pedro, his best friend, he swears his love for Hero, saying: "It's an accident time proof. Which I wasn't suspicious of. Farewell then Hero” (2.1.24). After Don Pedro asks Leonato for permission to marry... middle of paper ...... is insensitive, but he says: "For this I owe you... what is the lady I owe seize” (5.4.98). You can see here that he's not excited, but he has to do it for his life. The real excitement of this arrangement is when he finally gets to see the face of the girl he is to marry and exclaims, “Another hero! (5.4.98). We can say that it took Hero's death to awaken in Claudio the man he was supposed to be. At the end of the play we see Claudio's transformation from an immature, lovestruck boy who believes in gossip and allows himself to be easily manipulated, to a mature young man who admits his mistakes and actually has the ability to love the girl he wants. Claudio and Hero's wedding dance with Beatrice and Benedict shows how order is now restored to the city of Messina and order restored to Claudio's life.