
  • Essay / The New Woman - 831

    What is a New Woman and what did it mean during the Victorian period for a woman to consider herself one? The New Woman in the Victorian era is described in “Manhood and Masculinities” as assertive and rejecting male protection and refusing to live her life according to patriarchal rules. (Tosh 118) Sue seems to fit the description of the new women; in reality she does not have all the qualities. She has an education and works for a living, but she was dependent on Phillotson and Jude. Instead of being independent and solving her problems on her own, she runs to one or another man in search of comfort. When she tries to express herself as independent and in control of her life. she acts the way most women are supposed to act according to society. Society says they are supposed to be impulsive and emotional, which is how Sue was when she didn't obey authority. Hardy demonstrates Sue's attempts to be the new type of woman and failing to be perceived as such after purchasing two nude figurines; Right after purchasing the naked figures, she thought they were treasures, but soon begins to wish she hadn't purchased the figures because they seemed "very large and therefore very naked" and begins to shake and become very nervous after the have purchased. (Hardy 92-93) She becomes nervous because she is focused on what the authorities in her house will say about the sculptures, when she should not worry about the opinions of those around her. However, Jude describes her as the new woman she wanted to be. Jude once described her as “believing she was [you are] as innocent as she was [you are] unconventional.” (Hardy 145) She seems to have a different point of view on certain aspects of life, compared to other women because... middle of paper ...... is controlled by society and her husband, even if she makes the decision herself, she gives the man authority and responsibility over herself and her actions. Works Cited Hardy, Thomas. Jude the Obscure. New York: New American Library, 2009.PrintMilgram, Stanley. “The Perils of Obedience.” The reader of the new millennium. 4th ed. Ed. Stuart Hirschberg and Terry Hirschberg. New York: Prentice Hall, 2005: 653-663. Print.Pinker, Steven. “The moral instinct”. Norton Reader. 13th ed. Ed. Nancy Peterson et al. New York: WW Norton, 2012: 321-328. Print.Tosh. John. Virility and masculinity in 19th-century Britain. London: PearsonLongman, 2005. Print.Wheelwright, Phillip. “The meaning of ethics”. The reader of the new millennium. 4th ed. Ed Stuart Hirschberg and Terry Hirschberg. New York: Prentice Hall, 2005: 629-633. Print.