
  • Essay / America Land of the Free - 1154

    When America was first formed, it was considered a land of the free and a home of the brave having the freedom to go as they pleased and hold a armed. As America moved into the future, it lost its luster and became a country whose laws no longer protected the freedom Americans once had. This loss of control has deteriorated America and created a less desirable home for all. America is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. The country has been plunged into a state of unrest, with freedom not being a main priority and people being searched against their will and the government pushing ahead with its agendas, which is not helping the overall state of the country. American economy. One of the first problems with the "new" America could easily be dealt with using the Second Amendment. Many people misunderstand this amendment and think that it is only about the right to protect a militia and not the right for all to control guns (reading). This misunderstanding could be why so many laws are put into effect, even though the law states that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed" (Amendment II). This means that people have the right to have guns and the government should not be allowed to take them away immediately unless there is a crime. Even if they confiscate guns from civilians, the crime rate should go down. That being said, in the case of the United States, this figure continues to rise compared to Switzerland, where there are few gun laws and crime rates are extremely low. This could be due to Switzerland's attitude being based on civic virtue while America does not train in civic virtue (Guns). In Switzerland, they provide all men with assault rifles for their militia...... middle of paper ... hen P. Halbrook. "Guns, Crime, and the Swiss - by Stephen P. Halbrook. Np, nd Web. February 23, 2014. “The NSA may not listen to your private phone calls, but it monitors your private parts." ZDNet, 28 February 2014. “Reading the Second Amendment.” The Freeman: Foundation for Economic Education, nd Web March 30, 2014. Sanchez, Ray, and Haley Draznin and Steve Kastenbaum. CNN. January 30, 2014. Web. February 21, 2014. Sprung, Shlomo. “25 More Signs America Is Not the Greatest Country in the World.” Business Insider, Inc., June 25, 2012. Web. . Amd. II, sec. National Review Online. Np, nd Web. February 28.. 2014.