
  • Essay / Euthanasia: murder or blessing? - 1705

    Imagine yourself or a loved one in a vegetal state, lying in a hospital bed. Suffering endlessly, knowing they would hate to continue like this. If the option to end the pain and agony was available, knowing they would take it, why not let it be? Euthanasia is the solution to relieve these patients from their endless troubles. Giving them the opportunity to end their lives instead of suffering daily does not take away from the sanctity of life. Everyone has the right to choose their destiny, especially when making such a delicate choice. Euthanasia does indeed end a lot of suffering; it therefore deserves a place in a civilized society. Euthanasia is the deliberate advancement of a person's death for their benefit. Typically, patients are terminally ill, in a vegetative state, or simply already dying. The goal of euthanasia is to relieve patients in these states of their suffering. The most typical form of euthanasia is lethal injection, in which a doctor will administer a lethal dose of a painkiller or other medication at the patient's request, allowing death to overcome them. It is also common to terminate medically necessary life support (What is Mercy Kiiling?).Dr. Jack Kevorkian, also known as Dr. Death, was a lifelong advocate of euthanasia or “assisted suicide” ( He was a Michigan doctor who believed that one of the responsibilities of doctors should be to assist their patients with euthanasia. Taking matters into his own hands, he helped more than 130 people die from 1990 until his incarceration in 1998. Nevertheless, Korvorkian remained a strong supporter of euthanasia (McLellan). ... middle of paper ...... physical and social dilemma | Commercial article | MBA Skool-Study.Learn.Share.. Np, nd Web. April 25, 2014. “Facts About Euthanasia.” Facts about euthanasia. Np, and Web. April 25, 2014. .McLellan, Dennis. “Dr. Jack Kevorkian dies at 83; "Dr. Death" was an advocate and practitioner of physician-assisted suicide. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, June 4, 2011. web. April 25, 2014. “Patients’ Rights Council.” Patients' Rights Council. Np, and Web. April 25, 2014. “What Does Mercy Kill?” » wiseGEEK. Np, and Web. April 25. 2014. .