
  • Essay / Bilbo's Journey - 904

    Throughout the story "The Hobbit", Bilbo, a hobbit, goes on a journey. A trip may not seem like much, but for a hobbit who never leaves his little hobbit hole, it is. Throughout his journey, Bilbo has changed a lot since he first left. At first he's just very normal, I would say. He stays at home and never leaves it, he just sits in his chair blowing smoke rings with his pipe most of the day. Then he goes on a trip and it changes him. The journey makes him a hero in the end. Bilbo's journey begins one day when he was sitting outside. Gandalf approached him and although Bilbo did not recognize him at first, he quickly realized that it was Gandalf the great wizard. Gandalf tricked Bilbo into bringing him over for tea, while Bilbo thought it would just be Gandalf thirteen other dwarves, Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur , Bomber and Thorin, came for tea. Bilbo found it all really annoying and wished all the dwarves and Gandalf would leave, he didn't like all these people in his house. Finally, after the hobbit's house was cleaned, the dwarves began to sing and tell stories about Smaug. Smaug was a dragon who claimed the city of Dale which was Thorin's father's kingdom. Bilbo became very frightened by the stories told and when the dwarves asked him to help them and become a burglar, he was stunned. “I’m sure you’ve got the wrong house.” (19) Bilbo told them. He didn't want to go to a country he didn't know and face a dragon for a reason that didn't concern him. He just wanted to stay home. This disappointed the dwarves to some extent, they didn't believe Bilbo was that important, but Gandalf did. The next day, Bilbo woke up late in the morning to find a... middle of paper...... more than a hobbit to him. Thorin then died and Bilbo cried until his eyes were red. He and Gandalf were on their way home. When he returned home, all his belongings were sold. Everyone thought he was dead so they sold everything. So with the money he had, he went and bought everything back from the people who had bought it before. In the end, Bilbo had done a lot of things to contribute to the way things were going. If Bilbo hadn't been there, the dwarves might not have been alive and the gold might have been lost. Even though he had a lot of gold, it wasn't the gold that changed him. He had seen trolls, goblins, Gollum, elves, killed giant spiders and talked to a dragon. He had saved the dwarves alive more than once. He was no longer that hobbit who wanted to stay in his little hobbit hole. He wasn't even an adventure-seeking hobbit. Bilbo was now a hero. Works Cited Tolkien