
  • Essay / The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - 548

    Love and hope together form a timeless literary thematic duo, which continues to inspire countless variations and subgenres of romantic literature. Over the past few centuries, romance as a genre has arguably been the most popular of all stories. However, the theme of love often takes precedence over other thematic interpretations of the stories. So why do people look for romance in literature that they are willing to do? Suzanne Collins wrote The Hunger Games with the intention of introducing her young adult readers to a number of politically charged themes. Although Collins' work is recognized for successfully presenting themes of sacrifice, versions of reality, and power, his audience conversely identifies with the controversial subtheme of love. Social forums, such as the official Hunger Games website on Facebook, provide an insider's perspective, which reveals the public's perceptions and interpretations of Collins' work. Even if the goal of the fan site built around The Hunger Games is to provide a space for discussion. However, participants' discussions unintentionally reveal a...