
  • Essay / Designing a logo: its principles, methods, colors and examples

    Logos are symbols composed of text and images that help us identify the brands we like. The basic function of a logo is to give your business a unique brand that differentiates you from other businesses. A logo is different from branding in that it is part of your brand, not the other way around. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay The elements of a logo are typography, images, color and context. The creative process of creating a logo that most designers follow is: So, how to design a logo? Get inspired Learn everything you can about logos Develop your own creative process. Design Brief: To collect information from the client. Research: Learn about the industry and the client's history. Reference: verify a design for the client's needs. Conceptualization: sketch and develop the logo. Reflection: Let the idea mature. Presentation: Choose a few designs to show to the customer. Configure your pricing system accordingly. Learn from others. Research your audience. Throw yourself into the brand. Save all your sketches. Search online. Create mind maps or feel-good boards. Build a board and tear it up. Stop with the clichés. Make it versatile design.Use a grid to produce a timeless design.Use pen and paper.Build vectors.Decide on your fonts carefullyStay away from fancy fonts.Use a maximum of two fonts.Tell a story.Consider the space around of the logo.Design an active logo.Think of tones and colors. Stay on top of trends. Practice all the time. Design Mistakes to Avoid: Underestimate the importance of an appropriate color palette. Fall into the trap of creating cool and flashy designs. Undervalue custom typography. Be easy to predict. Think of your creations as unprecedented. The difference between warm and cool colors: Warm colors are bright and energetic and tend to move forward in space. While cool colors give a sense of calm and create a soothing impression. The difference between tints, shades and tones: Tints add white to a pure tint. Shades adds black to a pure shade. Tones add gray to pure gray. What is the color wheel? It is a tool for combing colors and choosing one.Types of colors:Primary colors: red, blue, yellow.Secondary colors: green, orange and purple.Tertiary colors are created by mixing primary and secondary colors.It There are six basic techniques for color schemes: Complementary color schemes. you want your logo to speak about your business. Here's a crash course in color psychology and what the world's 100 most valuable brands do. How do businesses choose their logo colors? People choose their logo colors for a wide variety of arbitrary reasons. Some choose their favorite color. Others love the color of their first car because of what it represented at the time. I originally chose purple as the official color of The Logo Factory because it was my (now) wife's favorite color, purple and teal were a trendy color palette at the time and red, my favorite, seemed a little garish for what I wanted to represent. Others take a “rolling the dice” approach, hoping to land on a color palette that looks “nice.”.