
  • Essay / Persuasive Essay on the Atomic Bomb - 1439

    “The atomic bomb is certainly the most powerful of all weapons, but it is definitely only powerful and effective in the hands of the nation that controls the skies” ( Johnson 1). Throughout World War II, the war was in pieces. The Germans were near the peak of world domination with their allies, the Italians and the Japanese. The Japanese and the United States had remained in combat since the bombing of Pearl Harbor (“US Drops Atomic Bomb on Japan”1). There has been much controversy over whether or not the United States should have used the atomic bombs. Many factors influenced the atomic bomb argument that led to the United States' final decision. Many people had arguments for the bombing and others had arguments against the bombing, but it remains unclear whether the United States made the right decision. After Truman decided to bomb Japan, they had to plan it. First they had to decide where to drop the bomb. They ended up choosing Hiroshima, Japan, and Nagasaki, Japan, as two locations. Hiroshima was an important military city during the war. It contained two army headquarters and was Japan's communications center (1st atomic bomb of World War II). Hiroshima was also a huge industrial city and had never been bombed before, which would allow Japan to incur the wrath of the United States (Koeller 1). The planning and actual events of the bombing went well. On August 6, 1945, at 8:15 a.m., the bomb was dropped. The bomb that landed in Hiroshima was called the "Little Boy" (World War 2 Atomic Bomb 2). The bomb ended up killing around 170,000 people. 70,000 people died on the first day and 100,000 people died in the following months due to the radioactivity of the bomb and the burns caused by... middle of paper ...... have changed and it does not should not have been allowed to do so There were many arguments and factors in determining whether Truman made the right decision and whether the United States should have dropped the bombs. There was much controversy in favor of the bombing. Some, the Japanese, were warned early, which shortened the war and saved the lives of many Americans. There are also many arguments against American bombing of the Japanese. Some of them are the bombings that killed innocent Japanese civilians who didn't deserve it, the Japanese were about to surrender before we bombed them, and the United States didn't castigate the Japanese until cause of racism against them. Although there are many valid reasons for and against the bombing, there is still much controversy today over whether President Truman made the right decision..