
  • Essay / Wellness Programs Essay - 700

    Some free ideas are no smoking at work and employee walks. Other options include promoting healthy options in vending machines over junk food options. For example, a company could charge just 25 cents for an apple and sell a cupcake for $1. An employee walking program can be implemented with a pedometer challenge. The employer could provide a secure place to store bicycles and encourage employees to use stairs rather than elevators. Employers can also purchase healthy foods for meetings instead of junk food and host Weight Watchers meetings. The more expensive options include purchasing a gym membership and even building on-site fitness facilities. (Wellness Program, 2015)Benefits of Employee Wellness Programs Employee wellness programs are a great benefit to employers for many reasons. They can reduce healthcare costs and healthier employees have fewer sick days. Healthier employees achieve higher productivity rates and are absent less often. They also reduce injuries, workers’ compensation, and disability-related expenses. Employee wellness programs also increase employee loyalty and morale. (Wellness Programs: What Are the General Steps, 2015)Disadvantages of Employee Wellness