
  • Essay / Urban Sprawl Essay - 1952

    2.0 Literature Review Urban sprawl has major impacts that affect urban making in both positive and negative ways. These major impacts will be explored in the categories of housing affordability, suburban living and health. In this section, the literature reviewed mainly concerns studies from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. In each section of the literature review, the positive and negative impacts of lifestyle will be explored.2.1 Housing Affordability Urban sprawl has opened the door and created opportunities for households to be able to afford to purchase and to rent accommodation. Currently, in Australia and around the world, groups in society are facing challenges related to housing and finances. This section of the literature review explores housing stress in Australia and the effectiveness of planned communities and the link between housing affordability and urban sprawl.2.1.1 Housing stress in AustraliaIt is important to understand housing stress and the lack of affordable housing and how urban sprawl has led to improved affordable housing. The lack of affordable housing has been a persistent problem in Australia for a long time. Housing choice and affordability have been particularly affected by low- and moderate-income people, due to inflation over the past decade (Berry 2003, Berry and Hall 2001, Randolph and Holloway 2002). Furthermore, in Australia's capital cities, rapid house price inflation has increased at a faster rate than average income and benefits (Berry and Dalton, 2004) (see Figure 1). Berry and Dalton (2004) argue that the significant rise in house prices is a major contributor to the economic and social causes and difficulties...... middle of article...... ng arguments for and against urban sprawl and the impacts this has on lifestyles. Urban sprawl can be seen as a mechanism to reduce housing stress and enable increased access to affordable housing. Australian society values ​​suburban living and urban sprawl allows larger homes to be built on larger plots of land than in the Brisbane metropolitan area. When it comes to health, automobile dependence plays a significant role in the lack of physical activity that leads to increased obesity rates. To encourage more activity in low-density living requires sensitive urban planning that promotes walkability. These lifestyle components of housing affordability, suburban living and health have major impacts on quality of life in which urban sprawl plays a role. Further research is needed to better understand the lifestyle benefits of urban sprawl..