
  • Essay / Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King - 634

    In Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King, King interweaves stories to create a satire that mocks Indian culture in comparison to European culture. The book also attempts to mock Judeo-Christian beliefs by examining the story of creation. King mocks the story of Adam and Eve. He mocks Western civilization and government. Although the book made me laugh, some of the meanings behind the king's writing intrigued me and made me question the king's motives. The book is truly a puzzle that can be difficult for most to decipher. I found the book challenging yet entertaining and interesting. One thing I found that was constantly mentioned in all of the stories included in Green Grass, Running Water was water. I wonder why King includes water throughout the book. I wonder what water means to King and the characters in the story. Water seems to be a means of necessity and I wonder if King mentions water to show that no matter how diverse people are, they will always need water. King also mentions building a dam and its purpose through Green Grass, Running Water. Unfortunately, the dam breaks and floods the cabin and kills Eli. I didn't understand why Eli had to die. Another thing I realized is that the title of the book is Green Grass, Running Water. The significance of the title is to refer to the takeover of Indian lands by the U.S. government. How did the US government not allow the Indians to live freely according to their own customs. I also wondered why King combined some of the characters from Green Grass, Running Water. I saw the characters he paired but I didn't understand why he paired certain characters together. In the book, King associates Old Women with...... middle of paper...... King refers to Moby-Dick but uses the name Moby-Jane instead. I found it funny when Changing Women and Moby-Jane “swam and rolled and dove and slid and splashed” (248). Although I found this passage funny, I had difficulty relating it to the book. I would like to discuss how this relates to the book. I wonder if this is a biblical reference to something. Another thing I found funny was Dead Dog Coffee. I didn't understand the connection with the book but I found it funny that tourists went there. Even if the Dead Dog Café sold real dog meat, why would a tourist want to eat dog? Coyote is a character that I found funny. I found his ignorance and interrupting behavior to create some additional humor in Green Grass, Running Water. I also wonder what Coyote's identity is. I would also like to bring this topic up in the discussion.