
  • Essay / Classical Music - 2402

    The classical music period spans from 1740 to 1810, which includes the music of Haydn, Mozart, and the early period of Beethoven. The classical period of music combined harmony, melody, rhythm, and orchestration more effectively than earlier periods of music. With the natural evolution of music slowly changing with culture, the Baroque era was over. This era left a periodic structure, articulation, and phrasing of music that would shape classical music. Among the many musical types of this period, the Classical period is best known for the symphony, a form of large orchestral ensemble. Symphonic pieces generally had three movements, the sonata, the minuet and the finale. Building on the achievements of earlier composers, Haydn and Mozart, brought the symphony to its peak in the last twenty years of the 18th century. Haydn excelled in rhythmic dynamics and the development of thematic music. Mozart also added to the symphony by contrasting memorable lyrical themes in full orchestral settings. “The elements of the formation of the early classical style are short, periodic and articulate sentences. Articulated and periodic phrasing caused two fundamental alterations in the nature of 18th-century music: one was an increased sensitivity to symmetry, and the second was a rhythmic texture of great variety, with rhythms differing or contrasting nor superimposed. but passing logically and easily into one another” (Rosen 58). The classic features did not appear one by one, but at different times during this important period of history. The classical era, with the progress of classical music, was sometimes irregular. The end result, however, was a logical order that made sense. Once we got to the middle of paper......ury, where music had become a series of clear events and not just a cumulative flow, powerful emotion or dramatic intensity could no longer rely on high baroque (Rosen 154). Haydn learned from opera a style capable of concentrating this force as he had never been able to do in the 1760s. Mozart was brought up in a more comfortable style and already the music composer whose beauty was his genius, arrived at the same point. form the opposite direction (Rosen 154). If the works of Haydn or Mozart were to disappear, we would not have the same structure achieved by Haydn or the soft, feminine, playful and graceful music that has shaped the evolution of music in our musical history since Mozart. Neither one's style would have been the same, and we would have lost two amazing composers who impacted music not just in one way but in many ways..