
  • Essay / The Power of Time: Animal Farm by George Orwell

    The Power of TimeIn Animal Farm by George Orwell, the farm animals push their cruel owner to become independent. After this rebellion, the pigs, naturally intelligent, take the role of leaders. The pigs are able to maintain their power because they take advantage of the animals' horrible memories and lie about the past in order to benefit themselves and maintain better government for the future. Pigs take advantage of animals' inability to understand what their behavior means. This gives the impression that Napoleon was planning Snowball's exile. When Snowball and Napoleon debate whether or not to build the windmill, Napoleon scares Snowball away and takes control. After Snowball was exiled because of the dispute over the windmill, "Squealer privately explained to the other animals that Napoleon had never actually opposed the windmill...the plan that Snowball had drawn on the ground… had in fact been stolen from among Napoleon’s papers. » This, he said, was Comrade Napoleon's ruse. He APPEARED to oppose the windmill, simply as a move to get rid of Snowball, who had come....