
  • Essay / Harry Potter's Quidditch adapted for playing on the field

    Nearly 17 years ago in the United Kingdom, a fictional sport known as Quidditch was born in a story that many did not know would captivate the world and would end up becoming more than ever. dreamt.Quidditch, found in the Harry Potter series, is an extremely tough, semi-contact competitive sport practiced by wizards and witches. Each match is played between two teams of seven players riding flying broomsticks. The seven players include: three chasers, two beaters, a keeper and a seeker. Four balls are used in each match: the quaffle, two bludgers and the snitch. There are six ring-shaped goals, three on each side of the Quidditch pitch, which stand above the ground. During each game, the Chasers attempt to maintain possession of the Quaffle, a spherical ball approximately 12 inches in diameter, and attempt to score a goal worth ten points by throwing it into one of the opponent's three hoops. They can pass it between themselves, but only one player is allowed in the scoring area at a time. The two batters must protect the rest of the team from bludgers, round, jet-black, iron balls 10 inches in diameter, by hitting them at the other team with a wooden bat (like a baseball bat ), which they hold in one hand. The goalkeeper must protect the team's goal hoops by flying in front of them and preventing opponents from throwing the quaffle through them. The seeker's job is probably the most important on the team: catch the snitch before the opposing team's seeker. The Snitch is a small golden ball about the size of a walnut, 1 inch in diameter with silver wings that moves so fast it is almost impossible to see. Catching the Snitch ends...... middle of paper ...... is a magical item in the canon of Harry Potter novels, in Muggle Quidditch the Snitch is simply a ball of tennis contained in a sock tucked into the belt of a snitch carrier. The snitch bearer is a neutral player affiliated with neither team, dressed in gold or yellow. After its release, the snitch is allowed to run an area beyond the playing field. Seekers search for the runner, but if they fail to catch it, it returns to the field after a predetermined time . The game begins with the Quaffle and Bludgers placed in the center of the field and all players lined up with their respective players. goal posts. Once the snitch is out of sight, the referee yells “Brooms Up!” » to start the game. The game is played for as long as it takes to catch the snitch. 30 points are awarded to the team that captures the Snitch, and the team with the highest number of points wins.