
  • Essay / Social inequalities in “The Motorcycle Diaries” and “The...

    Analysis of the different themes addressed in the books “The Motorcycle Diaries” by Ernesto Guevara de la Serna and “The Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott Fitzgerald, it is possible to find some common topics, such as social inequalities described in both books. Although this social inequity is stronger and clearer in "The Motorcycle Diaries", it is also represented in one way or another in "The Great Gatsby" due to a marked stratification of the people depicted in the plot of this story. In the following lines we will analyze how this social inequity is represented in such different books. On the one hand, in Ernesto Guevara's diary, social injustice is easily detected and depicted quite movingly, both through certain key incidents that were responsible for Ernesto's new understanding of the world, and Ernesto's words as he recounts his own thoughts on these episodes. Firstly, when Ernesto went to visit the sick old lady from Valparaiso, who suffered from asthma and heart problems, it is a situation that clearly shows the poor reality that some people had to face daily because they did not even have the minimum conditions. to survive with dignity, and what's more, people's sadness turned into a nuisance for their families simply because they were sick. Secondly, Ernesto's meeting with the couple of communist workers harassed by their political ideas in Baquedano, who did not have a single blanket to protect them from the freezing cold of the desert night, allows us to see, as the writes Ernesto, the representation of the proletariat of the world. Additionally, this couple showed him the merciless reality of so many people in Chile who were pursued, tortured and disappeared for their...... middle of paper scale and to change their economic situation . However, this was not possible because, as she and Jay Gatsby sadly discovered, no one will be accepted into such a small group, the "old rich" is not a group you can buy a membership to, regardless of how much money you currently have. , or what contacts do you have. To summarize, both in "The Motorcycle Diaries", which could be considered the starting point that inspired Ernesto's future political struggle, and in "The Great Gatsby", probably the way Fitzgerald expresses his deception of seeing the "American Dream" completely corrupted and the loss of all moral values, it is possible to find social inequity represented in one way or another through specific events, or by the way people are categorized into different groups, based on their economic and social conditions. conditions, and presented to the reader.