
  • Essay / Should people on welfare be drug tested? - 672

    When we don't know how to control ourselves, some changes need to be made. There always have been and always will be consequences to our actions when we don't know when to stop. Americans are greedy in many ways, especially when it comes to getting government assistance. Much of the United States is receiving aid. There are also people who don't use this help, which is great. The government has put in place aid for the needy but they must follow a defined guideline to be able to obtain it or continue to receive it. Some use it wisely and others abuse it. When the government started seeing people using this aid for unnecessary things like medicine, it intervened. Now, people who want to seek help or continue to seek it must take a drug test. Some of them think it doesn't matter. So it comes down to this one question: Should people who are receiving help or want help be drug tested? The law requires random testing to be conducted on anyone convicted of a drug crime within the previous 10 years. If a drug test fails, the beneficiary's benefits are reduced by 30 percent. In the event of a double failure, the beneficiary is excluded from permanent benefit of his benefits. The law applies to recipients of general state assistance benefits. The law was strengthened in 2012 with a measure to share data on convicted drug criminals between state corrections and social services. Which then also sparked more debate about the law. The objective is to prevent social fraud. “We do not want to see generous, well-intentioned social funds intended for children used for drugs. » says Rep. Steve Drazkowski. Agreement ... middle of paper ... to introduce a bill to amend a state law that mandates random drug testing of welfare recipients who have recently been convicted of a drug-related crime. The burden of the law and the county's already strained welfare system are costing more money and time than they will save. The role of county social services is to follow the law, not redefine it. Moran once again encourages the general public to view welfare recipients through a "negative lens" and says there are other, better ways to support families. At the end of the year, to find common ground on the extension of unemployment benefits, drug testing of those receiving these benefits promises to be a subject ripe for compromise. As things stand, should welfare recipients be drug tested? Works Cited www.