
  • Essay / The Razor - 823

    It was such a beautiful day in Phoenix, Arizona. The sun shone through the window like a night light. I thought it would be a good day and that I wouldn't have to hurt him that day. I had spoken too soon, she burst in and slammed the door as hard as she could, then collapsed on her bed and crashed. Tears streamed down her face like water falling from Niagara Falls. She stood up and started looking around. I hoped she wasn't looking for me. I was on his desk at the foot of his bed and next to his little built-in closet. I wasn't really that big. I was a piece of shiny silver metal, a razor the diameter of a button. I didn't want to be found. I wanted to have a pair of legs and run away so I would never be found by her. She had found me. I wanted to cry, but I can't because you know I'm just a razor. I wish I could have stopped it. I wish I could talk to her and then tell her that she was beautiful, that someone cared about her, and that someone loved her. That she had a reason to be alive. She cried harder and harder the closer I got to her delicate, albino skin. I was about an inch from her skin when she set me down next to her. She turned her body about one hundred and eighty degrees and grabbed her phone. Then the sound of music fills the room. It was so loud you probably could have heard it from the neighbor's house. She turned down the music a little. The music was slow and depressing. It made me want to scream. She pulled me up and instead of going slowly like she did before, she immediately cut her wrist using me to cut her. Blood was running down his skin from his cut. She screamed in excruciating pain. Then after that first cut, she started cutting...... middle of paper...... my daughter. Then finally her gaze met his body, her eyes widened like Moses parting the sea and then she fell to her knees, she probably felt discouraged. “My baby!” she screamed as loud as she could as her tears streamed down her face. I heard shuffling coming from down the hall after this scene. A tall man with a phone in his hand appeared behind the woman lying on the ground. He looked at the girl and he too was stunned. He dialed the phone in his hand and then held it up to his face: "Hello 911?" Yes, my daughter committed suicide. » he said as calmly as possible but I knew there was fear in his voice. I then saw a tear fall from his face. It broke my heart that her parents had to watch their daughter die. During my creation, I heard stories about things like what happened to that girl, but I only thought it was to scare us. Now I know it's real.